Chapter 881: . The Lower Sect . | Sword Of Coming [Translation]

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - Updated on February 18, 2025

The Ferry of Ox Horn Ford.

Beneath a sky kissed by autumn’s breath, verdant peaks clawed at the heavens, while emerald waters flowed eastward, whispering ancient secrets. Geese etched their fleeting stories across the canvas of the sky. Then, with a grace that belied its colossal size, a magnificent ferry, the Wind Kite, eased towards the shore. A ripple of potent qi emanated from it, stirring the mountain winds. Unlike the dainty, common vessels of the immortals, this behemoth possessed the majesty of a submerged dragon, playfully surfacing in shallow waters. It was the very same Wind Kite Ferry, spared not a single copper from the coffers of…

…the impoverished Mountain of Weary Souls.

Only Zhong Qiu and Cui Wei, weathered travelers of life’s paths, accompanied the Wind Kite on its maiden voyage across the continents, back to the lands of Dragon Province.

“Well done,” Chen Ping’an greeted them with a cupped-fist salute, a warm smile lighting his face.

A chorus of “We did little!” reverberated as those present returned the salute.

Zhong Qiu, with a mischievous glint in his eye, bowed in acknowledgement. Cui Wei, however, seemed ill at ease, only returning a stiff, formal salute.

Chen Ping’an sighed inwardly. His heartfelt appreciation had been twisted into something resembling jest.

This journey had drawn a considerable number from the Mountain of Weary Souls.

The Master of the Mountain led a contingent of his most promising disciples: Pei Qian, the unyielding martial artist; Guo Zhu Jiu, the keen-eyed swordswoman; Zhao Shu Xia, the resolute warrior; and Zhao Luan, the budding Qi cultivator.

The offering, Xiao Mo, clad in humble yellow hat and blue shoes, carrying his scholarly book-box and walking staff, looked more like a wandering scholar.

Also present were Mi Yu, soon to become the Chief Offering of the Lower Sect, and Yu Xie Hui, returning from his pilgrimage after leaving the Sword-Worshipping Platform.

Spotting Cui Wei, the child Yu Xie Hui reluctantly muttered “Master,” as if the word tasted of bitter herbs. To add insult to the grudging endearment, the youth punctuated the greeting with a defiant snort.

Cui Wei, though surprised, nodded with a nascent smile. First steps were always the hardest, and he was confident that Yu Xie Hui would not regret acknowledging him as his master.

Zhang Ming, the Keeper of Laws of the Mountain of Weary Souls, was accompanied by her newly acquired disciple, Nalan Yu Die.

*I may not be able to teach her advanced swordsmanship, but I can certainly provide her with the funds!*

There were enough skilled sword cultivators on the Mountain: Jiang Shang Zhen, Mi Yu, Cui Wei, Sui You Bian… Surely she could purchase a manual or two from each. Zhang Ming also now served as the Grand Steward of the Wind Kite Ferry. Cui Dong Shan, upon becoming the Sect Master of the Lower Sect, had insisted, in his earnest missive to the Great Li capital, that his *shifu* agree to this, even if she was reluctant.

The reason was clear as day: the Keeper of Laws was a veritable treasure trove.

The revenue split from the Wind Kite Ferry was a generous 70/30 in favor of the Lower Sect.

It was plain that Cui Dong Shan was relentless in his efforts to poach talent. He had set his sights on *this.*

Amongst the company was also Jia Sheng, proprietor of the Grass Hut in Riding Dragon Lane, and Chen Ling Jun, along merely for the thrill of adventure.

The Blind Taoist Jia Sheng served as the Second Steward of this intercontinental ferry. This old sage of the Dragon Gate Realm would be responsible for maintaining cordial relations with the various docks and immortal sects along the route—a delicate art of navigating the currents of human favor and diplomacy.

Though the Mountain boasted four notoriously difficult characters, in Jia Sheng’s view, there were two types of people harder to deal with: the petty scholars from small hamlets and the half-baked immortal masters of hillside shrines.

Thankfully, Jia Sheng believed his experience had prepared him for such encounters.

When the Master of the Mountain himself graced Riding Dragon Lane to personally offer him the position, the old sage was overcome with emotion. He could only stammer, “I am unworthy… I lack the talent…”

Nevertheless, he could not refuse the Master of the Mountain’s esteem and trust. With the weight of the world upon his shoulders, he could only steel himself and accept the momentous responsibility. Having been previously reprimanded by Cui Dong Shan, he had shed his gaudy Taoist robe. But now, with his elevated status, he couldn’t afford to let the other immortals look down on his sect. So, the old sage unearthed his long-dormant robe, bathed and changed, and emerged with renewed vigor, radiating an ethereal grace.

The Immortal Guard refused to budge, stating that he needed time to adjust.

Standing at the prow, Chen Ping’an waved farewell to those gathered at the docks to see them off.

Chen Ping’an had earlier asked Bai Xuan if he wished to train with Xiao Mo, honestly describing Xiao Mo’s foundations and realm.

But Bai Xuan had refused. It wasn’t because Xiao Mo might be of the demon race—after all, Xiao Mo had slept for ten thousand years and had no quarrel with the Great Wall of Sword Intent. He simply did not want a *shifu.*

A thought remained unspoken:

*He already had a shifu.*

Chen Ping’an had stroked the boy’s head and told him not to force himself. He simply requested that Bai Xuan cultivate diligently, not squander his talent, and not disappoint his *shifu.*

As for the master and disciple pair whose names were already inscribed in the ancestral registry of the Mountain of Weary Souls, they were a joyous sight to behold.

Yao Xiao Yan, *hahaha!* The White-Haired Child, *hehehe!*

Their recognition ceremony was simple and without drama:



Zhang Jia Zhen, who had been mastering the abacus on the Mountain under Wei Wen Long, would be put to work on the ferry, with a newly established accounting office.

Another of Cui Dong Shan’s ideas. As for Jiang Qu, a fellow townsman, he had formally settled down in Ashy Mountain for solitary cultivation. Lacking a formal master, he was the sole genuine talisman practitioner on the Mountain. Jiang Qu often sent flying sword messages to the Cloud Citadel’s Chief Offering, Huan Yun, to seek guidance on talisman studies. Before the Hidden Official departed his hometown, he gifted Jiang Qu a handwritten talisman manual with *Dan Shu Zhen Ji* (“Red Writings’ True Traces”) in elegant script on the cover, and a smaller “Up” character at the end.

Zhang Shan Feng would not be accompanying Chen Ping’an to Willow Leaf Isle. Instead, he planned to travel the lands of Jade Bottle Continent on his own, vanquishing demons and monsters. He vowed to return in time for the Lower Sect’s ceremony. Chen Ping’an did not try to dissuade him. After all, Zhang Shan Feng’s *shixiong*, Yuan Ling Dian of the Pointing Mystery Peak, a guest offering of the Mountain of Weary Souls, had been secretly protecting his *shidi* along his path. Chen Ping’an had discovered this in Clearspring County and shared a drink with Yuan Ling Dian, who revealed he was on the cusp of a breakthrough into the immortal realm. He merely had to escort Zhang Shan Feng back home before commencing his closed-door cultivation.

Yuan Ling Dian took great pride in having snatched this escort mission from his *shixiong*.

The Wind Kite Ferry boasted a two-story deck and forty-odd rooms.

Beneath the deck lay three levels of cargo holds. The crew was a motley bunch, including over sixty talisman constructs and golden-armored warriors carefully crafted by Cui Dong Shan. They bore whimsical names like Rain Worker, Golden Tutor, Mountain Carrier, and Fish Catcher. They were responsible for the ferry’s maintenance and the secret geographical surveys along the route. According to Zhong Qiu, there were nearly a hundred of these constructs in total, including the Yin Yang geomancer-like talisman Golden Tutors, scattered by Cui Dong Shan across Willow Leaf Isle to seek out treasures.

There were also two unfamiliar earth immortal ghosts proficient in formations, destined for the ancestral registry of the Lower Sect.

Because the Wind Kite Ferry focused on trade routes instead of catering to wandering immortal cultivators, outsiders were strictly forbidden. Unoccupied rooms on the two upper floors could be used for storing cargo.

Chen Ping’an headed straight for the cargo holds, eager to understand the Wind Kite Ferry’s inner workings, especially the array nodes. Zhong Qiu led the way down the stairs, explaining, “An intercontinental ferry hinges on three crucial factors: speed, sturdiness, and efficiency of spiritual energy consumption. These are all linked, and any weakness can lead to mishaps and losses.”

Cui Wei couldn’t resist interrupting. “Master Zhong, the Hidden Official is no stranger to running intercontinental ferries.”

Back in the Inverted Mountain Spring Pennant Fast, dubbed a “branch headquarters,” the Hidden Official of the Great Wall of Sword Intent had dealt with ferry stewards aplenty.

Chen Ping’an smiled. “This is different. Back then, it was mostly bookkeeping. I know very little about the intricacies of the ferry itself. Master Zhong, please, tell me everything in as much detail as possible.”

Speed, Sturdiness, Efficiency. Each was crucial.

Ferry operators employed various means to enhance speed. For instance, the Burden-Robe Sect’s ferry had a throng of talisman laborers dragging it across the clouds like trackers pulling a boat, achieving breakneck velocity. A ferry’s hull had to withstand the elements and the occasional mishap. It must endure wind and rain, lightning and thunder, natural disasters and human conflict. To achieve this, builders engraved myriad mountain and water restrictions and talisman arrays. Chen Ping’an recalled seeing a ferry bound for Willow Leaf Isle, with fluttering robes and dancing figures on its sides. Skilled talisman masters were embellishing the ferry’s walls with dragon ladies and water immortals.

In the Firmament, a ferry’s ability to withstand the full force of a earth immortal or jade purity sword immortal’s strike was a litmus test. As for spiritual energy efficiency, the Old Dragon City’s Cinnamon Blossom Isle, home to the Cinnamon Lady and a cinnamon tree cultivated from the genuine lunar seed, was blessed. The tree could draw upon heaven and earth like a perfected cultivator. Thus, while Cinnamon Blossom Isle’s ferry was slow, it consumed very little energy. However, the ferry fished out from the Hidden Mystery Dynasty’s vault was fast, but had two depleted defensive arrays, so Cui Dong Shan had taken matters into his own hands. The runes were modeled off the Dragon Tiger Mountain Celestial Master Manor and were a endless cycle of overlapping runes, but only a rough draft.

Cui Dong Shan planned to convert it into a warship.

His ultimate goal was to transform the ferry into a mobile mountain sect within a century.

Cui Dong Shan had not requested a single snowflake coin from the treasury of Weary Souls for the precious talismans and heavenly treasures used in the conversion.

It was only in terms of spiritual energy consumption that the Wind Kite Ferry far exceeded normal intercontinental ferries. Chen Ping’an suspected Yu Pan Shui was amused at his expense.

Accompanied by Zhong Qiu, Chen Ping’an thoroughly inspected the three cargo holds and two array nodes.

They arrived at a spacious room dominated by a map depicting the intercontinental trade routes spanning three continents, complete with elevations, rivers, and immortal holdings. The Wind Kite Ferry’s north-south route would extend from the Great Source Dynasty in the central Jehol region of the Northern Reed Continent, through the Cloud Citadel and Bone Beach. Across the sea lay the Jade Bottle Continent’s Beam Bridge Ferry, the Great Li capital’s Evergreen Palace, the Ox Horn Mountain, Central Peak, Southern Peak, and Old Dragon City. On the Willow Leaf Isle side lay the Northern Azure Tiger Palace, the Central Great Spring Dynasty, the Jade Quill Sect, and the southernmost Drive Mountain Ferry. These were the most important stops, but the map indicated seventeen potential docks. However, roughly half were too small or damaged to accommodate the Wind Kite Ferry’s trade. Chen Ping’an lightly tapped the minuscule Emerald Mushroom Mountain. In a burst of light, the tiny mountain expanded to the size of a table, complete with shrines, pavilions, and every minute detail. He then gently pressed down, returning the mountain to its original size. With a flick of his sleeve, the mountain hovered. And in a clenched fist, Chen Ping’an was standing in a pavilion on the Emerald Mushroom Mountain.

With his hands tucked into his sleeves, Chen Ping’an surveyed the Emerald Mushroom Mountain. The pavilion was dappled in sunlight like golden scales. Chen Ping’an smiled at Zhong Qiu. “We can entertain our guests here, drink tea and wine, and enjoy the scenery. We can arbitrarily shrink the mountains and rivers, choosing any scene we like. It’s as good as a trip with two fourteenth stage cultivators.”

Zhong Qiu nodded.

Cui Wei stared in astonishment.

“A landscape map can do *that*?”

This nascent soul sword cultivator was nothing if not earnest.

Zhong Qiu extended a hand towards Cui Wei, who wordlessly provided a Little Heat Coin.

Zhong Qiu pocketed the coin. “I’ll buy you a drink.”

Chen Ping’an raised an eyebrow. Zhong Qiu explained, “Before, I bet Cui Wei that the first thing you would do would be inspect the cargo holds thoroughly. Cui Wei thought you would pick a room first.”

Chen Ping’an mumbled about being the first to hear a great gambling tale. Then, in a hushed voice, said, “You should have told me. I would have guaranteed a win for you!”

Cui Wei remained silent.

He couldn’t bring himself to engage in such a dishonorable act.

Cui Wei had long been doubtful of a rumor. Now, he knows that rumors tend to be true.

Chen Ping’an’s four disciples were seated at a table.

Guo Zhu Jiu sat with a hand-copying inkstone. She sat opposite Pei Qian.

“It has been so long. Please, let me hug your weary form!”

Guo Zhu Jiu had declared Pei Qian her *da shijie*, and Zhao Shu Xia and Zhao Luan her *shixiong* and *shijie*.

Zhao Luan was uneasy. Guo Zhu Jiu said Zhao Luan was pretty and deserved the title.

*As long as the Shifu does not take a disciple, I will get more and more shixiong and shijie!*

Guo Zhu Jiu had taken them all under her wing.

Pei Qian asked about the Lands of Five Hues. Pei Qian instantly regretted her decision.

Guo Zhu Jiu handed everyone tea, took out papers, and began to read.

Zhao Shu Xia and Zhao Luan were interested. After all, she was talking about a new world.

But when Guo Zhu Jiu pulled out more papers, they knew Pei Qian’s heart.

The pair said they wanted to train, and quickly left.

Pei Qian could not escape.

Guo Zhu Jiu said that her bamboo box was at the Summer Palace, and they could pick it up.

Pei Qian looked out the window. “Sure.”

Guo Zhu Jiu, with her cheek against the table, asked, “Pei Qian, is your bun hairstyle difficult to maintain? Can you teach me?”

Pei Qian smiled. “It’s easy. I can teach you.”

Guo Zhu Jiu sat up. “Pei Qian, can I hide under your bed during the honeymoon ceremonies?”

Pei Qian rolled her eyes. “I’m not married.”

Guo Zhu Jiu blinked. “They say you’re famous. Tell me about it.”

Pei Qian shook her head. “It’s all lies.”

Guo Zhu Jiu fell asleep.

The ferry traveled south.

*The river flows.*

*The moon shines.*

*The home lies at the bow.*

*The river carries the lights to my home.*

Jia and Chen were talking under the moon.

The old man said, “We need to mail Zhou soon.”

Chen asked, “Why? Broke? I can send you my salary.”

“Your money is my money.”


“But he will lose his position!”

Chen gasped. “It’s true! Xiao Mo is his rival!”

They laughed.

“It’s not our fault that Xiao Mo is generous.”

Chen unexpectedly met Wei Xian’s student, Chai Wu.

Wei Xian was going to fight demons and monsters, so he wanted to drop off his student here.

She was pretty, quiet, and skinny.

For some reason, Chen had the urge to give her alcohol.

Wei Xian’s letter confirmed his instincts.

Wei Xian only said to let someone teach her the arts. It was fine if Chen wanted to teach her.

Teach her anything you want. He only wanted to teach her martial arts.

Wei Xian asked them to give Chai alcohol every day. He would pay them back.

Chen asked her questions. She answered.

She was a small child.

Chen took out alcohol. “Here. Take it.”

The child was shy. “I only drink four taels.”

Wei Xian said she could drink a pound, puke it up, and drink more without feeling dizzy…

The child walked to the door and asked, “Do you want to close the door?”

Chen smiled. “Anything is fine.”

Xiao Mo had been watching. “My Lord, I will give her my sword.”

“Right away.”

She had a wonderful dao.

Even Xiao Mo was impressed.

“The Heavens fear she will go hungry.”

“Her cultivation will be quick.”

“Give her immortal money. She will eat it all.”

“If the Liu family gets their hands on her, she will cultivate inside a treasury.”

With the sword, she would be so much more powerful.

Chen was troubled.

Xiao Mo said, “I’m not stealing your disciple. You can lie about it.”

“The sword will help her.”

Chen said, “What about you?”

Xiao Mo said that his peak was unusual.

“It’s alright for me to lose.”

“I won’t be going to fight monsters!”

“There are too few people who can make me fight to the death.”

“Many are your friends.”

Chen asked, “Are you sure?”

Xiao Mo nodded. “I will leave it to you, my lord.”

A red aura like a dragon appeared.

His sword.

Chen cursed. “Xiao Mo, you ass!”

Taking it hurt so much!

Chen took out a box and gently put the sword inside. “How am I supposed to give this gift?

Xiao Mo rarely played around. “Just don’t pocket it.”

Chen stared.

“Where did you learn that?

Chu Lian had praised Xiao Mo.

“Many on Weary Souls have the heart of a child.”

Xiao Mo awkwardly said, “I should just be myself.”

“I should learn from you, my lord!”

Chen thought. “Let’s name the sword ‘Kindling.'”

“The passing down of the flame.”

“I hope she treasures it.”

Xiao Mo said, “I am looking forward to the future.”

The ferry stopped.

Shan and Wu were waiting there.

Lu and his disciples were there as well.

Lu had a fairy encounter!

Chen laughed.

Chen wanted the mountains.

“Heard you’ve been through a lot lately!”

The ferry continued.

Zhong and Lu were playing chess.

Xiao was watching.

“Silence is golden.”

“The chess pieces drop silently.”

“So quiet.”

Cui was watching Yu practice.

Pei was teaching Zhao.

It seemed like she was teaching for someone.

Zhao was at a standstill.

“Too low, too high.”

“Not great for a team member.”

Pei was wasting her time teaching him.

“You are inflexible.”

Pei had been trying to say it in a way that did not hurt him.

She was wasting her time.

“You are good though!”

“Your strides are excellent.”

“But it is not enough.”

Pei could not understand why the Shifu had not taught Zhao anything.

Chai burped and continued to cultivate.

She was taking care of the sword.

The Lord had taught her a method, but it was too advanced.

Xiao had explained it in simple terms, and she had understood.

Chen sat at the desk.

Nalan was helping out. She shook her head while calculating with the abacus.

From Wei to Nalan, it seemed that Weary Souls was always staffed.

Chen massaged his face. He had told the child the chant twice.

“Do you understand?”


“Do you remember?”


He had to call in Xiao.

“I will pass it over.”

Chen watched and drank.

“Only a genius can explain to a genius.”

“Like Yao taught me.”

Nalan asked, “The items will be heavy and large…we will lose money.”

Chen smiled and nodded.

“Those are for long term relations.”

“We can also buy things from the nobility for cheap.”

“These can be sold in other places.”

“You will find it profitable.”

Chen nodded. “True.”

“It’s what’s outside the book.”

Nalan listened.

Chen said, “They will be borrowing money.”

Nalan asked, “Payback time?”

“Will there be revenge if they don’t pay?”

Chen shook his head.

Nalan asked, “Will we become ostracized?”

Chen smiled. “That’s why the great sword is here.”

Zhang stood up and saluted.

Chen pressed down and looked at the books. “Let’s go.”

“The fox is useful…

“Ah, right.”

It was Chen’s day.

The sun rose over the ocean.

“To stand still is to rob oneself.”

Zhao opened the door. It was the Shifu.

Chen smiled. “Let’s practice the strides.”

“Been a while since I’ve taught you.”

He taught Zhang’s martial arts.

Unfortunately, Zhao only took the form.

Chen helped fill in the blanks. Zhao was ashamed. “I am embarrassing you.”

“Tell me what you believe.”

There was a knock on the door, and Zhao opened it to see his teacher.

“Ah, yes.”

They went outside.

“You can not believe, but you must believe in my judgment.”

Chen praised.

The ferry stopped.

There were others there to greet them.

The Master of the Mountain was quiet.

“I must pay you back.”

Chen smiled. “Just treat me well.”

The Master of the Mountain smiled and said it was all for formalities.

“Let’s be honest. I want a portion of the profits.”

“At least thirty percent.”

The Master of the Mountain said, “That’s settled. You’re free next time.”

The Master of the Mountain was at the purity level.

Chen said, “I want earth.”


Wang said, “We can send only a little.”

The Master of the Mountain was hesitant.

“Here. It’s all yours. This badge is worth more than that.”

It was the sign of the purity level.

Wang returned and presented earth.

Chen envied the immortals who had this power. “Not much work at all.”

Chen said, “We have the girl covered. Don’t worry about that!”

“Thank you.”

Chen nodded. “My people are experts.”

Fan looked at the elder and asked Wang, “Work with him.”


Chen worked hard.

The city was being rebuilt.

He and his friends met.

Xiao and Mi were there as well.

After the official business was done, they talked.

This was the place where he had first seen land.

“We should plant flowers again.”

It was a lot of money.

Chen said, “We’ll pay for it.”

It was a win win.

They were going to take care of it.

The Mi Sword would do the planting.

Everything was going well.

A boat crossed the ocean.

There were many graves here.

The old kingdom was at war.

The people there were searching for treasure.

The Lord had forbidden it.

But it was released again, and people came from all over.

Many people got rich here.

Mi turned to the Lord.

The real master was here.

The Lord glared.

There were people who had heard that it was Chen.

Hehe, they said, we are leaving now.

Chen laughed.

“Ah, yes.”

A mountain sect that liked to destroy alters.

It was all about the show.

These people were going to steal.

Xiao and Lu could not help.

The lights of Willow Isle could be seen.

The ferry arrived at Light Realm Mountain. He went to greet the Blue Tiger Palace.

The alter had moved, but the world still went on.

“Willow Isle has a great heart.”

He had spent time with them.

Then the light burned. They were going to get rid of it. So he asked for the Pill.

He wanted something he could benefit from.

Chen would never ask.

“A bargain!”

Back to the novel Sword Of Coming [Translation]


Chapter 1012: Even you might doubt yourself.

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Chapter 596: Blood Soul Pill

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 1011: Witnessing and remembering.

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Chapter 595: Solidifying the Spring Soul.

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 1010: . Heaven and Earth as a Realm Painting .

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Chapter 1009: The deeper the understanding, the simpler the expression.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025