Chapter 1056: A certain year's mixed flowering tree. | Sword Of Coming [Translation]
Sword Of Coming [Translation] - Updated on February 20, 2025
Upon the windswept heights of Forsaken Peak, Bai Ye and Jun Qian, one seated, one standing, fell to gentle discourse concerning the three rivers that flowed by Crimson Candle Town, among them the Jade Nectar River.
The Little Rice Grain had already taken her leave, bounding away with a skip in her step. Upon her shoulder rested a golden flail, in her hand a staff of green bamboo. Slung across her shoulder was her beloved satchel of woven cloth, within which, for the moment, resided no soldiers at all.
Bai Ye, having heard tales of the matter, smiled. “Your apprentice brother Chen is a reasonable sort.”
Jun Qian explained, “Zhu Lian once unleashed his fist upon the Jade Nectar River, and the junior apprentice even sojourned within the Water Lord’s palace. Should Forsaken Peak press the matter further, we would appear unduly harsh.”
Bai Ye dismissed the matter with a smile.
Jun Qian continued, “The heart of the matter lies within the Little Rice Grain herself. The more Forsaken Peak does, the greater the disruption, the louder the clamor, the more silent she becomes in her solitude upon the mountain. Her spirit is small, and the rivers of the world seem fearsome to her, thus she dares not venture forth. This differs from one who has the courage, but simply chooses not to travel. My junior apprentice has given this much thought, knowing he must tread carefully, lest he be guided solely by his own wishes. For from the beginning of this storm, Little Rice Grain wished only to conceal it, to pretend nothing had occurred. But alas, she was observed by Pei Qian. Verily, she has wished to speak of it, yet fears she might wound Pei Qian and the others with her words, and so she keeps it locked within her heart.”
Bai Ye nodded. “Aye, to know another’s heart is a difficult thing.”
Thus, Bai Ye’s earlier assessment of Chen Ping An’s protectiveness was not wholly in error.
Jun Qian smiled. “In time, Zhu Lian, half in jest, imparted a lesson unto Little Rice Grain. It is said that upon hearing it, she burst into laughter, rolling upon the ground with mirth, for the old cook’s words struck true to the heart of her trouble.”
Bai Ye, curious, inquired, “Could such a knot be untied in the heart of a maid?”
Jun Qian nodded, drawing from his sleeve a flask of some unknown elixir, its brew aged by the hands of immortals. Slowly, he replied, “Aye, it could. Zhu Lian first told her a tale of his homeland, of its hills and waters, to paint a picture of this storm. He spoke of a woman of noble birth, wounded by love, who brought ruin upon the house of her unfaithful swain. The man himself was left with a broken leg. After many trials, he found her, and with tears and snot upon his face, begged for mercy and recounted his woes. The woman, with brow furrowed and teeth gritted, declared that he only limped with a crutch, while her heart was shattered. Who, then, was more pitiable? Little Rice Grain listened with a heavy heart and asked if it was true. Zhu Lian told her it was but a tale, and she was eased. Then, Zhu Lian asked if she still held anger. If so, he would command the Water Goddess to limp her way to Forsaken Peak and beg forgiveness. Little Rice Grain was startled and made the old cook swear he would not do such a thing. Then Zhu Lian asked Little Rice Grain if she felt that, were Forsaken Peak to continue pressing the matter, the Right Protector, who wished only to put the matter behind her, would be forever troubled, yet dare not speak for fear of being seen as heartless. Little Rice Grain nodded fiercely. And so, Zhu Lian explained that the Returning Mountain Lord, in seeking justice on her behalf, striking out at the Water Goddess’ palace, did not act from mere vengeance. Rather, he sought to teach her and all who dwelt within the palace a lesson, that all travelers, no matter their station or power, would no longer be treated with such wanton disregard. Little Rice Grain had performed a great service; her suffering had not been in vain. Had the young lord not intervened, many more like Little Rice Grain would suffer the same fate, and the Water Palace would continue in its errors. When they crossed paths with someone mighty, they would not see their actions were wrong, but believe their palace was not well known or that the goddess did not possess great power. Little Rice Grain, would you have that? Little Rice Grain protested loudly. Zhu Lian continued: Thus, the young lord brought you as a guest to the Water Lord’s Palace, showing both strength and mercy, neither striking to the point of battle, nor turning a blind eye. It was as if he left a boot behind in the palace. So long as one’s boot remains with another, it must one day be retrieved, and the Water Goddess and palace must remain on guard. This time the mountain lord did not fly into a rage or seek retribution from the palace. Yet next time, might he not call upon old debts and deliver punishments as both judge and jury? Little Rice Grain was awestruck. A worthy lord he is! A true fox of the rivers and lakes. And finally, Zhu Lian spoke, Little Rice Grain, now that your spirit has shrunk a bit, and you no longer venture far beyond Forsaken Peak, think you the Water Goddess can stray far from her temple and palace? She has less courage than you, Little Rice Grain. Moreover, her superior, Lord Wei of Cloudveil Mountain, instructed her to think no more of it, that her crime did not warrant death. Listen to those words! A blade cloaked in a smile! The poor Water Goddess must have been terrified. But there’s more: On that very day Little Rice Grain became brave enough to go counting bamboos by the Cloudveil Mountain. What she and Lord Wei said to each other is a mystery.”
Bai Ye smiled. “It is a wonder you could recite so much in one breath. But what shall we call this tale?”
His friend, Jun Qian, was no master of words. In days of yore, when they wandered the famous peaks together, Jun Qian was loath to speak of ancient deeds or literary pursuits.
Jun Qian replied, “All save those of the Fifteenth Realm are blinded by a single leaf.”
Bai Ye adjusted his tiger-headed cap, sighing, “The Fifteenth Realm…”
Jun Qian suddenly grinned. “I shall take you to a village school. You shall not merely sit and eat melon seeds and dried fish, but do my junior apprentice a small service.”
And with that, Jun Qian folded space and brought Bai Ye to a tidy study within a riverside school. Jun Qian produced a manuscript, turning with practiced ease to a certain page. The tale upon the page spoke of a wandering swordsman and a mute lake monster who strayed into a fair mountain and there met with three wise hermits. They engaged in a contest of poems, and emerged victorious. Bai Ye surveyed the room, and guessed that this was where Chen Ping An played the teacher. Jun Qian held open the pages of the manuscript, and bid Bai Ye to cease his dawdling and draw near.
Bai Ye approached and cast his eyes upon the page, at once wishing to distance himself. But Jun Qian pressed down upon his tiger-headed cap, chiding, “Have you no honor, then? I shall help you grind the ink, so you may not flee.”
It seemed that within the manuscript, the verses of this poetic contest were extensive. Yet each time the young swordsman was to “recite a poem,” the page remained blank!
However, whenever the lord “composed a poem”, the three mountain spirits, though born of untamed wilderness, possessed a taste for refinement, and upon “hearing” the brilliant poems of Chen, they went from nonchalance to thoughtful attention, stroking their beards in silent contemplation, shaking them from the depths of their souls, offering praise, and finally accepting the other’s genius… such details were recorded with care, leaving no word out of place. To Bai Ye and Jun Qian, it felt as if they were on the spot.
Could it be that Lord Chen possessed no talent for poetry? Twelve poems, and all left blank?
How difficult could it be?
Jun Qian had already taken a stone and started to grind ink. Bai Ye shook his head. “I jested not when I said I would not compose poems.”
Jun Qian smiled. “Use your old ones, then.”
Bai Ye sighed. “As you know well, I have forgotten the majority of my poems. Those I recall have been gathered into collections and spread across the land by those who are keen to do so. What difference would there be between me copying myself and Chen Ping An copying my poems? Better he should take some obscure verses of a lesser-known poet.”
Jun Qian said, “I remember those poems you discarded. I will recite the verses, and you shall transcribe them. As for the titles, you must devise them yourself.”
Bai Ye flipped through the pages of the manuscript, reaching the newest chapter. From beginning to end, it only contained the tale of the swordsman and the mute lake monster; not Chen Ping An lecturing his students or seeking inspiration like the Vice Preceptor of the Temple of Literature, Han, who wrote novels. Bai Ye recalled the Little Rice Grain speaking of her first journey into the world, which was to locate a wandering scholar that owed her a story.
Were it not for the Little Rice Grain, Bai Ye would not be a part of it. Foolery! It was as if one wore two tiger hats!
Bai Ye sat upon the chair, took the brush from Jun Qian’s hand, and mused for a moment. “I recall from my wanderings through Lu Mountain, there were two ancient style poems and seven quatrains that were of some merit.”
Jun Qian reminded him, “You must not begin with your most dazzling verses. Remember to hold back for the first few. In total, these twelve poems must increase in complexity and skill, and the final piece must be worthy of the awe and praise of the three immortals…”
Bai Ye looked up. If he had so many qualms, why didn’t Jun Qian write the damn poems himself?
Jun Qian laughed. “Still so quick-tempered. Were I your junior apprentice, I’d bring a brick and stand right here.”
Before Bai Ye dipped his brush, he asked, “This Viewing the Way… Chen Ping An is doing me a great service. How will I repay it?”
If Chen Ping An had planned this, but another man had been given the chance, then the debt would be even greater.
Jun Qian read out an old poem, then said, “You are my friend, and he is my junior apprentice. Therefore, according to the ancient accord, I shall show favor to neither of you, and you shall settle it between yourselves.”
Bai Ye was about to begin, but Jun Qian suddenly interjected, “My elder brother Cui once said that while your calligraphy possesses a certain charm, it is only because your poems are so well-regarded that calligraphers will offer words of false praise. If not, with merely a brush, taken at random from a dustbin, and held between his toes, Cui would create better calligraphy than you. But my junior apprentice’s manuscript is a work of art, written in the most precise of regular scripts. Do not embarrass yourself, or else I shall take over. My regular script is better than yours.”
Bai Ye stopped, ready to give up.
Jun Qian sighed in the manner of their mentor. “Never mind! Never mind! Continue with your scribbles!”
Bai Ye suddenly asked, “Did Cui Chan truly say that?”
Jun Qian nodded, smiling. “Brother Cui never speaks falsely. Hold back your anger if you dislike the truth.”
Bai Ye suppressed his ire, but could not resist uttering a short, three-word phrase of vulgarity.
Jun Qian opened the window, glancing at Bai Ye. Another poem had been finished, and Jun Qian read out another old verse. Jun Qian then smiled: “It is said that three children have left school for other places. It is no wonder Little Rice Grain said she was upset!”
Bai Ye looked down and copied the poem, asking, “How many children attend this school?”
Jun Qian said, “Only ten or more. If we had not taken in Ning Ji as a student, there would not even be enough to count on both hands.”
Bai Ye laughed.
The humiliations of us scholars are not to be spoken of to outsiders.
In the mountains, three brothers had gathered to drink. However, when Bai Deng learned who the burly man upon the peak was, and who the boy in the tiger-headed hat was…
The drinking could no longer be stopped.
These three kindred spirits, and had already become sworn brothers, seniority determined by years of cultivation. They were Bai Deng, Zeng Cuo, and Gao Geng.
Bai Deng spoke of the glory of his clan, of three thousand years past. Yin Lu spoke of his opulent ancestors from Immortal Pin City. Gao Geng spoke of the infighting of Green Palace Mountain, how its outward splendor concealed a belly full of grievances. The position of Sect Master was his for the taking; his master had even agreed. Yet, his revered elder brother and beloved sister had secretly plotted against him, preferring to give it to an outsider than to a younger brother… The brothers spoke of their heartaches and drank to their fill. Gao Geng suggested they call Chen Ling Jun to join them. The two drunkards sobered instantly, and bade Gao Geng restrain himself.
When the conversation turned to the name “Zeng Cuo” and his style name “Ri Zhang,” Gao Geng and Bai Deng were full of praise, declaring that Yin Lu had shown true genius. One said that his path of the noble man was hidden and shone like the sun; the other that his greatness was only revealed in times of difficulty.
Yin Lu paused, hesitated, but ultimately did not reveal the truth to his sworn brothers: that he had been imprisoned by the young Hidden Official and forced to write every day. The young man often came to inspect his progress, telling Yin Lu that as he was now a part-time novelist, he must adopt the proper attitude of “loving what he did and excelling at it.” He was to write as much as possible each day, no matter the length, as long as he was sincere and did not carelessly scribble any word.
The houses of the green-robed boy and the pink-skirted girl were not far apart.
Chen Ling Jun, with no wine to drink and no mind to cultivate, sat on his steps in a daze. Suddenly, he stood, sneaking through the courtyard to grab a stone, which he tossed at the neighboring house. The stone rolled across the roof with a clatter. Soon came a sharp rebuke from the heart of that silly girl: “Chen Ling Jun, are you trying to annoy me?!” Chen Ling Jun feigned ignorance and asked her in his heart, “Nuan Shu, what is wrong with you? Do you think the house has been robbed?” Nuan Shu retorted, “If you continue to be this bored, I will tell the Mountain Lord!” Chen Ling Jun feared only being tattled on. He could only defend himself, saying, “I was reading a secret book on water magic and happened to see a place I wanted to copy by shaking the undeveloped dao magic…” But before Chen Ling Jun could finish, that hot-tempered girl was already scolding him, “Spin the tale! Spin it well! You better say the name of the dao book and the contents of the secret!”
Fortunately, Jiang Shang Zhen was sitting on the roof of his mansion and asked, “Nuan Shu, Jing Qing, what are you arguing about?”
Nuan Shu and Zhou gave a curtsy to the headmaster, and returned inside. Her desk was covered in account books for recording trivial expenses, and she had no time to deal with Chen Ling Jun, who was too lazy to take on a proper job.
Chen Ling Jun rose and flew to the headmaster’s roof, feeling a bit awkward. He lowered his voice, saying, “Headmaster Zhou, little girls should not be so fierce. How will she get married if she is always yelling?”
Jiang Shang Zhen leaned back, with his head on a jade pillow, and his hands folded over his stomach. He laughed: “I am not worried about Nuan Shu marrying.”
Chen Ling Jun changed the subject, “Since the night is long and there is no sleep, how come headmaster Zhou is not drinking?”
Jiang Shang Zhen opened his eyes to look at the sky, smiling, “I am thinking about the high and low chaos, the cloud feet on the hanging, the situation is going to be a heavy rain, as a sword repair, it should be under the eaves to hide from the rain, or one hand carrying a big water bucket, one hand carrying a big face basin out to collect rain.”
Chen Ling Jun listened to what he said as if he was in the clouds, but lost not array, began to nonsense, “This is not simple, if the rain can be used as money, see if I do not fill the courtyard with pots and bowls!”
Jiang Shang Zhen laughed: “Wei Mountain is still a little something, change to me is Mountain, can think of the best god number, it is estimated that it is also ‘Lingze’.”
In fact, in Jiang Shang Zhen’s opinion, Pi Yun Mountain Wei 檗 if self-proposed god number “Lingze”, this choice, is quite good, short-term benefits to more than “night tour”, because the most in line with that unprecedented “heavenly”. Of course, in the long run, may still be night tours more secure, the Great Road benefit, thin water long stream.
Chen Ling Jun lying on the roof, Jiang Shang Zhen suddenly reached out to grab the green robe boy’s arm, smiling, “Jing Qing, I praised the chief attorney of the those words of sincerity at the wine table, who leaked out?”
Chen Ling Jun hurried to sit up, not only did not have a trace of guilt, but was full of triumphant, arms around the chest, and the chief Zhou invite Gong said: “Must be I euphemistically said to Little Rice Grain listen to ah, and then let her this little ear report to bring a message to the chief lawyer for life, Zhou chief you think ah, you are all bachelor for how many years, good looks, family background thick, in addition to the age older, pick out what fault? Must be no fault! Our chief lawyer for life is also single, what’s more, she does not like the kind of tender-faced unstable young man ah, so, you two, male not married female unmarried, how can not walk together? Male chase female across the mountain, female chase male across the layer of yarn Ma, I this is not feel Zhou chief you embarrassed to open the mouth, in case of change of the chief for life has a little heart, she and Little Rice Grain reveal some rumors, I and then heard, and then to Zhou chief you so, hey, is not it? A chief lawyer, a chief, you this is called made in heaven, close to the top of the relative!”
Even Jiang Shang Zhen, who had seen a lot of the world, was stunned for a long time, with lingering fear, and tremblingly said, “Thank you. So will do the media, after don’t do it ah.”
Chen Ling Jun lowered his voice and asked, “What, is it that you don’t think it’s appropriate, or that Zhou chief is too picky, and feels that our chief lawyer for life is a bit cold-blooded, and you don’t like her. I can’t stop there.
Head numb Jiang Shang Zhen hurried to grab the green robe boy’s neck, and then reached out to cover his mouth, beg you, Lord Jing Qing, please don’t say a word more.
Not far away in a warm room, Little Rice Grain, who came to the door, she stood on a small stool, against the window listening, and finally can not hear the movement there, Little Rice Grain turned curiously asked: “Warm tree sister, is it really like this?”
The warm tree who was turning the books reached out to press the abacus, spitting out in one bite.
Jiang Shang Zhen covered Chen Lord’s mouth and asked: “Drink or not? I heard that you have a few new friends, do not help to introduce to introduce? Is to nod, do not drink is to shake the head.”
Chen Ling Jun hurried to the little chicken peck rice, Jiang Shang Zhen this is afraid to let go of Chen Ling Jun, glanced at the mansion not far away, closed the door to drink, the lights slightly bright, did not dare to scratch the fist, really can drink happily?
Jiang Shang Zhen laughed: “Those seem to abandon you to drink.”
Chen Ling Jun froze for a moment, sighed: “Blame you Zhou chief!”
Jiang Shang Zhen was confused, “Why blame me?”
Chen Ling Jun grinned and laughed: “Before I and those friends, accidentally carrying the money, implicated them now do not dare to ask me about the wine, do not blame you blame who?”
Jiang Shang Zhen smiled knowingly: “Indeed blame me.”
Together fell on the bluestone road, Jiang Shang Zhen hands around the back of the head, Chen Ling Jun will be two sleeves thrown clattering.
Jiang Shang Zhen smiled: “Mandarin ducks intersect the neck for thousands of years, mandarin ducks rejoice colored wings, harp and zither harmonize for a hundred years, white hair and old smoke xia. People who have come by occasionally envy you people who have come by.”
Chen Ling Jun rarely did not tease Zhou chief, and at once understood the different meaning of the two “people who have come by”.
Green robe boy whispered: “Wait a while I old brother accompany you to drink a few more.”
Jiang Shang Zhen nodded, suddenly asked: “Chen old brother, do you think I take the initiative to let the virtuous, let little Mo gentleman to be the chief priest how?”
Chen Ling Jun suddenly head big as a bucket, this is ……. A life-threatening question!
I treat you as my own good brother, brother take my head for drinking money?
The past life brothers on the wine table, where is the righteousness of the world in the bowl!
Chen Ling Jun eyes sharply turned, said: “Zhou chief, I chewed, you be very good, do not let the virtuous, chief priest can not be who can be good.”
Waiting for Jiang Shang Zhen to say anything, the green-robed boy three steps as two steps, one foot kicked open Bai Deng’s mansion door, fork his waist and laughed: “Brothers, hide away to drink an early wine at night, is indeed a bit early, hahaha …….”
At the foot of the mountain, the doorkeeper Daoist, with a wooden hairpin on his head, raised his hand and dipped his saliva, using the moonlight as a lamp, slowly turned a page of the book, at night, there are few people, suitable to read good books, forbidden books.
It is worthy of the Zhou chief’s strong recommendation of a “soldier” book, indeed there are many fights, many battlefield locations, are previously unheard of erotic ……. Serious fighting, written very well, the combination of virtual and reality, occasionally left blank, lingering ah.
Green cloth robe warm, rustling turning the sound of books, wooden hairpin often cherish the water before the steps, my heart is at peace that is my hometown.
A cold pat on the shoulder, almost did not scare our guilty Xianwei Daoist, to the spot yin god out of the body long trip.
Xianwei also regardless of useful or not, hands pinched the jue, mumbling words, made a jue that is said to be able to set the soul, and then quickly turned to see, only to find that it is carrying a bamboo chair standing behind his own big wind brother, Xianwei complained: “What are you doing, you’re always showing up like a ghost, scared me to death, you come back to be the watchman ah!”
Zheng Dafeng smiled and put the bamboo chair on the side, “Will pinch the three shut lock door binding jue, can not scare you.”
Xianwei Daoist surprised: “I spent a dozen copper coins from the ferry stall to buy the Taoist book, really do not cheat people?”
Zheng Dafeng said: “Of course, is to cheat money, but can not cheat you.”
Xianwei smiled and did not take it seriously.
Zheng Dafeng hands around the back of the head, tilted his legs, so lying in the bamboo chair, suddenly moved his ass, played a spirit, the whole person shivered, self-blame and self-pity: “After all, not a young strong young man, even feel frozen ass. In the past, when the weather was cold, naked lying in the bed, just like a stove, people’s hearts rolling hot, do not need to burn charcoal.”
Xianwei laughed: “A hero does not mention the courage of the year, the big wind brothers this point is not as good as the old cook.”
Mr. Zhu does not like to say past hometown things, from Little Rice Grain side gossip came, Zhu Lian in the lotus root blessed land, once in the world, was known as the immortal, noble son.
Zheng Dafeng self-talked: “Eat full and dress warmly, the day does not live up to me. Study without progress, how to treat the sky?”
Xianwei casually laughed: “I think God is not so stingy.”
Zheng Dafeng smiled, patted the shoulders of the Taoist Xianwei, “You and I are in the same boat, are outsiders.”
Xianwei nodded, mistakenly thought that Zheng Dafeng is saying that he is not good at cultivation, while self-deprecating a sentence, failed to become the pinnacle of martial arts?
Zheng Dafeng glanced at the Xianwei hand on the “art of war”, “lower book?”
Xianwei ghostly looked back at the mountain road, saw no one, this is from the sleeve to pull out another book, smiling asked: “Do not read the upper book to read the lower book?”
Zheng Dafeng took the book, began to put on the pre-race, “Read this kind of fighting and killing the book of war, the upper book nothing to read, you temporarily less heat, still lack a little meaning.”
Falling Peak has a vassal mountain, named Chao Reading Ridge.
Li Huai has his own private residence here, in fact, the Falling Peak also has a private residence, but “maid” Wei Tai Zhen there, seems to be very restrained, every day is a pale face of pathetic appearance, Li Huai simply moved here, when it was Chen Ling Jun led the way, all the way the green robe boy winked at him, Li Huai embarrassed not light, with the heart to explain a few words, Chen Ling Jun only said I understand I understand, Li Huai is also very helpless, you understand the fart.
When Li Huai lived in Chao Reading Ridge, Lin Shou Yi and Dong Shui Jing took Shi Jia Chun, who was temporarily staying in Peach Leaf Lane, to visit here once, in any case, the mountain mansion, they all have a share.
However, they two one is rich, and one is to see money as dung, the mountain gods light king Hou of the Lin Yu Pu, is estimated to be no small to want their own big mansion of Li Huai so much to take seriously?
The sheep’s braid small abacus, seems to be the most change in the classmates, but are married women, have a pair of children, the money-grubber is still a money-grubber, when she heard that Chao Reading Ridge also has a mansion in her name, she ran over to turn around, again and again asked so large a mansion is worth how much money ah, according to the current home of Huai Huang County this side of the market, if the transfer of a sale, sold to the mountain immortals, how to pay with fairy money, or even that kind of small summer money, and she does not live here when can be rented out, the annual rent, not a small number, after year by year, and so on she is old, what day is no longer there, can be passed on to their family and children?
Listening to the nagging in front, Li Huai they three are with a smile, but also can casually open Shi Jia Chun joke a few words, but when heard her last question, they are all agreed to be silent up.
Shi Jia Chun at that time stopped, looked at their expressions, the former classmates of them, one by one, is still very young, well, not to say that when the child looks handsome Lin book fool, did not grow crooked, now more and more jade tree Lin Feng, once every day as a boring gourd Dong Shui Jing also quite a man’s flavor, even when a child tiger-headed wearing open crotch pants often be provoked to cry Li Huai, the body are some bookish, like a serious young scholar.
The woman reached out to pluck the hair over her temples, softly laughed, “Big old men, how does it look, I don’t feel sad, you feel sad for me what, say, is not that in fact already secretly infatuated with me? Lin Shou Yi, Dong Shui Jing, you like Li Huai’s sister, is a blind eye? And Li Huai like Li Bao Ping, is also wearing?”
Lin Shou Yi and Dong Shui Jing looked at each other and smiled, rare to talk about Li Liu, did not scold each other useless, out of the cage of small chickens peck each other.
Li Huai helplessly said: “Don’t talk nonsense, if let Li Bao Ping listen to, she does not care with you, must let me eat and walk around.”
When Li Huai was a child, his pants often hung on the tree, squatting on the ground crying, the red cotton jacket little girl had already run away. Hearing the sound of Mr. Qi, about the number of times is more, and later seem to be too lazy to ask the reason, will have to use a long bamboo pole to help pick it down, Little Bao Ping is not old, the strength is not small, a certain time directly threw Li Huai’s pants to the top of the tree, the bamboo pole can not reach, outside the school are looking at the bustle of the children, heads together to discuss, to help Mr. Qi out of some bad ideas, always not love to speak Dong Shui Jing rare initiative to open, said he would climb the tree. Mr. Qi smiled and shook his head, said to see mine, picked up a stone on the ground, weighed a few times, and then turned his arms a few times, and then so to the sky thrown out.
Unfortunately fell through, the stone just passed through the treetops, a rustling sound, through the leaves sprinkled on the ground golden light and shadow, with the shaking of the leaves, the ground of the sun is fine broken, shaking up.
Stretched out their necks to look at the school children sighed, Mr. Qi only a little ah.
Mr. Qi went to pick up a stone, this time indeed successfully hit the high branches, that pants will fall down, Li Huai quickly put back his pants, that time run back home on the road, he was especially happy, ha, this pants, today’s big break, with the kite-flying-like. Halfway met skinny weak looking half-point not good-looking sister, she came to pick him home, Li Huai and her sister said today’s great feat, said tomorrow also want to wear this pants, then you don’t have to be afraid of that Little Bao Ping, Li Liu holding her brother’s hand, the girl just squint and smile, patiently listening to her brother’s those stern words of nagging.
The child’s a little grievance seems to be bigger than the sky, always cry heart-tearing lung, can cry the throat dumb.
But often after a moment, the grievance disappeared, like those who never know where the child lost the home keys.
Tonight Li Huai put down a sage book, out of the study and the house, all the way to the cliff viewing platform, there is a pavilion wing.
Recently collected some questions, want to ask Chen Ping An to answer.
For example, the sentence “Those who get the way, externalize without internalizing”, Li Huai can only temporarily understand the literal meaning.
Wei Tai Zhen fluttered to.
Originally lazy lying on the pavilion chaise lounge Li Huai immediately sat up, Wei Tai Zhen was somewhat ashamed, she disturbed the owner’s peaceful heart-to-heart.
Li Huai sat up, smiling asked: “That was praised as the most proud of the human white gentleman, now in the Falling Peak, do you want to see a? Want to see, then follow me to visit, but see the end to talk a few words, or even will not be like Wei Mountain to eat a closed door, I can not guarantee.”
He and Little Rice Grain relationship is very good, Little Rice Grain also think Mr. Li is very good, good people mountain is so generous, it seems that because Mr. Li that year a little complaint a sentence, so that good people mountain is now “can not get over that ridge”, always want everyone to think that their cooking is actually half-point not bad.
Unfortunately, in addition to Little Rice Grain and the old cook, it seems that no one is willing to praise a few words against their will.
Wei Tai Zhen shook her head hard, “Young master, I dare not see Mr. Bai, also do not need to see, think of being able to be with Mr. Bai in a mountain, the servant girl is already very content.”
That is Mr. Bai, ten thousand years, only this one Mr. Bai!
Take green to match white, iron bone soft muscle. Poem body here, ice soul snow spirit.
Li Huai quipped: “Lost that I have written the flattery draft.”
In fact, usually Li Huai in Wei Tai Zhen this side, words and deeds, is still very sincere and upright, afraid Wei girl misunderstand themselves, is the kind of heart is not right mouth flower flower playboy, especially worried about breaking a woman’s most important reputation. Only back home, to the Falling Peak, Li Huai the whole person is relaxed, just dare to be a little casual a few points. In the Sui Mountain Cliff Academy, Li Huai is after all wearing a sage identity, outside the Academy, Li Huai is also the literary saint lineage of the re-passing disciple, so everywhere will be more careful.
Looking at a pair of eyes squinted into crescent-like, covered her mouth giggling Wei girl, Li Huai curious asked: “What are you laughing at?”
Wei Tai Zhen laughed: “The servant girl just imagined the scene of the young master and people flattering, and feel very fun.”
Li Huai blushed, “Let me tell you about my school days, I was on the way to school.”
Wei Tai Zhen’s eyes bright, excited, hurried to sit up, hands gently folded on the knee, “Good ah.”
“This is a not short story.”
Li Huai thought about it, wet his throat, said: “Then from I just met Chen Ping An said, is in a grass long warblers early spring season, if I remember correctly, that year I was seven years old, Chen Ping An was fourteen years old.”
Li Huai is very later, only from the big white goose side to know, in order to be able to eat a good meal on their birthday that day, temporarily know this Chen Ping An, secretly night fished all night, but also complained about the side of Cui Dongshan not early to say to come.
But the next day, even himself have forgotten this day is his birthday Li Huai, but also complained always eat fish and drink fish soup, no taste, Chen Ping An you this cook is how to be, we can not change the taste, braised chicken leg, fried a plate of muntjac meat, stew a pot of rotten ripe hoofs …….
Wei Tai Zhen hesitated, whispered asked: “Young master, the book said the miscellaneous flowers tree grass long warblers, is not referring to the late spring season?”
Li Huai hid well his eyes in the faint sadness, laughed: “Because that spring is not the same, with the story I want to say as long.”
Lotus Root Blessed Land, Fox Kingdom inside the Xiang’s villa courtyard.
Xie Gou asked: “Since Mr. Zhu is following Liu Xian Yang and them back home, why not come to our side?”
Chen Ping An laughed: “He has no face to come. This time back home, must hide the head and tail, dare not see people.”
Owes a butt of love debt, the woman’s saliva can drown him.
Pei Xiang deeply agree.
And Zhu Lian in the same era of the world of men and women, are unfortunate, men, can not beat that martial maniac.
Have seen Zhu Lian appearance, it is said that ten women, is nine hate Zhu Lian, and one is because temporarily did not see him.
Pei Xiang for a long time in the blessed land, the fox kingdom ban, this rule does not bind her fox kingdom inside the Lord, so Pei Xiang often out to relax, then know now there are several landscape gods, have been very “miss” Zhu Lian, one of them, is that year Nan Yuan country Beijing a battle died in the hands of Zhu Lian of the female martial arts master. They used to be a point of true spirit in the world does not disperse, adhering to the aura to become female ghosts, by the world’s heroic spirits and then bear the incense baptism eventually turned into gods, these get temple number, god of the “niangs”, so many years, are hoping that the “very romantic, alone occupy 90%” of the noble son Zhu Lian, with them, are dead and resurrected.
Of course, is to meet again, good and that ungrateful unfaithful Han revenge, has been hate Zhu Lian hate to itchy teeth, as long as the mention of Zhu Lian two words, they are afraid to bite off the alveolar.