Chapter 1546: Awakening. | Renegade Immortal

Renegade Immortal - Updated on March 4, 2025

The maiden, clad in a gossamer gown of verdant green, possessed a vivacious charm. The parasol she held was steeped in antiquity, its shaft crafted from aged wood. Even the canopy seemed woven from leaves, a translucent layer revealing veins like delicate feathers, a curious sight indeed.

Her skin was the hue of powdered jade, her features exquisitely fair. But it was the slight furrow of her brow, the widening of her eyes, that lent her a captivating beauty, drawing the gaze like a lodestone.

A curtain of rain descended, separating the maiden from Wang Lin. The droplets danced upon the river’s surface, a chaotic ballet of shimmering beads. Amidst the rippling water and misty veils, the sky and river blurred into one, and even the distant emerald hills seemed to soften, rendered in strokes of ink, a scene to stir the soul.

Watching this spectacle, a blush crept across Wang Lin’s cheeks.

It was his first venture beyond his mountain village. Never had he beheld such loveliness. Compared to the village girls he knew, this maiden was as a celestial being to a mortal.

The maiden, initially vexed, now dissolved into a peal of laughter as she saw Wang Lin staring, his face aflame. Her mood, like the shifting weather, was ever volatile.

“Well, bookworm, have you had your fill?” she teased, her voice like silver bells chiming through the rain, each note falling sweetly upon Wang Lin’s ears.

His scholarly face deepened in color, even his earlobes taking on a rosy hue. He hastily adjusted his umbrella, then bowed deeply, clasping his hands in respectful greeting.

“Forgive my boldness, fair lady. I meant no offense.”

Her laughter echoed, but as she was about to speak, a voice, gentle and melodious, drifted from within the covered boat.

“Sister!” The word was punctuated as a hand of alabaster parted the curtain of the boat’s awning, revealing a glimpse of a woman’s alluring silhouette. The instant her face was exposed, the rain seemed to hold its breath. Her countenance, veiled in the shimmering downpour, imprinted itself upon Wang Lin’s mind.

Dressed in robes of deep violet, her eyes were like twin moons. Her emergence seemed to drain the color from the world or, perhaps, concentrate all its remaining light upon herself. Beneath the somber clouds, on the river’s surface, within the confines of the boat, she became the sole beacon in the land.

Hers was a beauty profound, yet marred by a trace of melancholy in her brow. This sorrow spoke of weariness, of indecision, of a poignant tenderness, stirring deep emotion in the heart of any who beheld it.

She cast a chiding glance at the maiden in green.

The翠衣 maiden giggled, seizing the紫衣 woman’s sleeve. Pointing towards Wang Lin, who stood in the rain on the riverbank, she declared in a voice like the warbling of a lark,

“Sister, this scholar is quite dreadful! First, with his forward words, then with his presumptuous gaze! Though his sheepish demeanor is amusing.”

The紫衣 woman smiled, her gaze rising to meet the rain. Her eyes flickered towards Wang Lin, sheltering beneath the trees. A flicker of recognition crossed her face. She studied him more closely, a hint of bewilderment coloring her expression.

“I feel as though… I have seen him somewhere before…”

Wang Lin, now under the scrutiny of both women, felt his face burn even hotter. Clearing his throat, he bowed once more towards the boat, unsure what to say. His heart hammered against his ribs. He turned away, seeking solace in the distant dark mountains and inky clouds, hoping to quell the turmoil within.

“Wang Lin, Wang Lin,” he muttered to himself, “you have studied so much. How can you stare so rudely at these women? This is but a chance encounter. Once the rain subsides, it is best to continue on your way.” He took a deep breath of the rain-soaked air, attempting to regain his composure.

“Young sir,” the紫衣 woman spoke softly, her voice carrying across the rain-swept waters. “This rain may well continue through the night. Since we have met, it must be fate. Why not seek shelter aboard? We are bound for an inn at the next landing.”

Wang Lin hesitated, glancing up at the sky. The heavens were a dense, oppressive blanket. It seemed unlikely the rain would abate anytime soon. It could well last the night.

“We are offering you shelter, and yet you hesitate? Surely you do not believe we would devour you?” the maiden in green said, arching an eyebrow.

“Sister,” the紫衣 woman sighed, shooting her a look of mild reproach.

Wang Lin gave a wry smile. Nodding, he retrieved his bamboo pack, slung it over his shoulder, and stepped into the mud, walking towards the riverbank.

The earth was a clinging morass of mud and water, clinging to his boots with each step. The ground sloped precariously towards the water’s edge. As he reached the bank, his foot slipped on the slick surface. He cried out in alarm, bracing for a fall.

A wave of fragrant air enveloped him. As he tumbled, a slender form caught him. It was the紫衣 woman. With a graceful leap, she rose effortlessly, carrying Wang Lin in a sweeping arc, landing gently on the boat.

“Thank you, fair lady,” Wang Lin stammered, his face flushed, bowing repeatedly.

“You are most welcome, young sir. Please, be seated.” The紫衣 woman released him with a gentle smile and sat down. The maiden in green folded her parasol and sat beside her, observing Wang Lin with amusement.

Wang Lin’s heart pounded. Never in his life had he felt such apprehension. He removed his pack and placed it aside. As he sat down, beads of sweat dotted his brow.

“Please, young sir, there is no need to be nervous.” The紫衣 woman smiled warmly. She reached for a tinderbox and lit a candle, casting a warm glow throughout the cabin and illuminating the three figures in the flickering light.

The翠衣 maiden found Wang Lin’s discomfort increasingly entertaining, her playful laughter only adding to his mortification.
Wang Lin, a humble scholar, bowed deeply, his hands clasped in respect. “Fair ladies, I am in your debt for allowing me shelter upon your vessel in this tempest.” He inhaled deeply, the damp air filling his lungs, before offering the customary greeting.

The boat, a modest craft with a covered deck, drifted gracefully upon the rain-swept river. Though the canopy protected its occupants from the downpour, the sound of the rain, a constant drumming upon the roof and hull, mixed with the gentle splash of water against the sides, creating a melancholic yet strangely beautiful symphony of springtime rain.

As twilight painted the heavens, the boat became a phantom in the rain, its form obscured by the misty veil. Within the shelter of the deck, a solitary lamp cast a feeble glow, radiating a warmth that defied the chill of the spring shower.

“Wang Lin…” the lady in violet murmured, her gaze fixed upon the scholar, her brow furrowed in thought. “Why does that name… why does he seem familiar? It is as if I have met him somewhere, sometime…” The confusion she had briefly shaken returned to cloud her eyes.

“Indeed, you are called Wang Lin?” the maiden in emerald green exclaimed, a note of surprise in her voice. She scrutinized Wang Lin, her eyes alight with curiosity. “That name… I believe I have heard it whispered on the wind before.”

She pondered for a long moment, her brow knitting together in concentration. Finally, with a gentle shake of her head, she smiled sweetly at Wang Lin. “Strange, I am certain I have never met you, nor have I heard tell of that name before,” she confessed, her voice like the chime of a silver bell.

“I am Xu Fei,” the maiden continued, a playful glint in her eyes. “And this is my esteemed Senior Sister Zhou. As for her full name, you would do well to ask her yourself.” She winked mischievously.

“Zhou Rui…” the lady in violet offered softly, her eyes still holding that distant, troubled expression. The fact that Xu Fei also recognized Wang Lin’s name only deepened her bewilderment.

As time flowed onward, a rain-swept moon occasionally pierced the rolling storm clouds, offering a fleeting glimpse of silver before being swallowed once more by the darkness.

The rain intensified, its torrential roar drowning out all other sound. A biting wind, heavy with moisture, snaked its way into the canopy, causing the lamp’s flame to flicker and dance.

Wang Lin shivered, but the two ladies seemed unaffected, their countenances serene and undisturbed by the cold. Peering out through the gaps in the rain curtains, he saw only an impenetrable blackness.

Gazing into the abyss, Wang Lin felt a strange disquiet take hold.

In this inky night, upon this silent waterway, it seemed as if only this single covered boat existed, adrift in the cosmos. The two captivating women within gave him a disconcerting feeling of unreality.

“Fair ladies, as you address each other as sister disciples, and considering Zhou’s earlier feat of leaping from the air onto the ship, you must be skilled martial artists, masters of the pugilistic arts…” Wang Lin stammered, his mind growing hazy, his body heavy with an inexplicable fatigue. Fighting against the encroaching drowsiness, he leaned against the wooden wall of the boat and mumbled his thoughts aloud.

“Martial artists? Nonsense, you fanciful scholar! We are cultivators of Immortality, beings of the celestial realm!” a voice echoed faintly, seeming to come from a great distance as Wang Lin slipped further into slumber.

He thought he heard someone whisper a name… Heng Yue Sect…

“Am I dreaming again…?” Wang Lin murmured, his eyes closing completely as he drifted into unconsciousness.

The boat rocked gently, causing the lamp to sway. The maiden in emerald green, Xu Fei, glanced at her companion with a puzzled expression.

“Senior Sister, why did you cast such a spell upon him, to force him into slumber? He is but a mortal man,” she inquired. The lady in violet, Zhou Rui, studied the sleeping scholar intently. After a long silence, she finally spoke, her voice low. “I am certain I have met this man! Yet I cannot recall when or where… and you, too, recognized his name.” “Wang Lin… Wang Lin…” Xu Fei echoed, her delicate brow furrowed in confusion.

After another prolonged silence, Zhou Rui shook her head and sighed softly. “Enough. I will cease pondering this matter. Perhaps we crossed paths in a previous life…” “A previous life?” Xu Fei chuckled, rising to her feet and peering out into the dark, rain-swept night.

“Senior Sister, it is almost time. We must meet with Wang Zhuo and the others. Our Sect Master sensed a golden aura emanating from the east, divining that some treasure of great power may soon emerge. It is likely to draw the attention of many other sects. We must hasten, though our cultivation may not allow us to compete for such a prize, it would be beneficial to simply witness such an event.”

Back to the novel Renegade Immortal


Chapter 1546: Awakening.

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Chapter 1545: A dream like life.

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Chapter 1544: Dream Immortal, or Immortal Dream!

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