Chapter 1637: Ancient Mysteries - The Outsider | Renegade Immortal

Renegade Immortal - Updated on March 5, 2025

“I had believed this portal to be the grand entrance to the Immortal Abode of the Seven Dao Sect’s revered Immortal… alas, appearances deceive,” intoned Wang Lin, his countenance grim as he beheld the hundred-foot-tall stone door. “This is no entrance, but a passage, forcefully carved through the very fabric of reality!” He retreated, each step measured and wary.

As he fell back, the iridescent glow of countless mosquito-beast eggs illuminated the passage in a macabre dance of light and shadow, painting the scene with an eerie aura.

“This tunnel… it was not here before. It has been forged, a direct path to the Seven Dao Sect’s Immortal’s dwelling. But by whose hand? Who dared violate the sanctity of this place?” Wang Lin’s eyes blazed with intellect as his mind raced, sifting through every shred of knowledge, seeking the faintest of clues that might unravel this ancient mystery.

He would piece together the fragments of the past, unearthing the truth of epochs long since passed!

“Who could have done this? A madman? Or… something else?” As he retreated, Wang Lin found himself once more near the mosquito-beast, which, oblivious to the tempest raging within him, continued its ravenous feast. Its carapace gleamed with a golden light as it slowly digested its grisly prize.

Just as Wang Lin reached the precipice of the chasm, poised to flee, he halted, his gaze snapping upwards. A thunderbolt of revelation crashed through his mind; a forgotten memory resurfaced!

“In the ancient Starry Sky of the Lightning Clan, I learned of a mysterious sect, clad in strange garbs, wielding artifacts and arts unlike any I had ever witnessed. And when I absorbed the Indestructible Lightning, I saw their blurred forms in the lightning’s memories…”

“Then there is the Kun Ji Whip, a treasure of this clandestine sect. I even contemplated venturing to the Five Planets to seek out Nado, for the leader of this sect bore an uncanny resemblance!

“The Lightning Clan deemed them celestial outsiders, beings from beyond the stars. But what star lies beyond this celestial realm? They were celestials from the Immortal Astral Continent!” Wang Lin’s eyes shone with an almost unbearable light, as his mind wove together threads of deduction into a tapestry of understanding.

Though deaf to the whispers of the Reversion Sect from the Immortal Astral Continent, Wang Lin, through his relentless pursuit of truth, began to grasp the enormity of the situation. A daring hypothesis took root in his heart.

“The Seven Dao Sect’s Seven-Colored Immortal, a being who had seized the Heavenly Dao, forsaking his vows, and sealing off the Seven Dao Sect, entombing himself within his Immortal Abode to commune with the heavens.

“Yet, his actions sparked suspicion. And so, a powerful Sect, somewhere in the Immortal Astral Continent, with a genius among them, devised a way – a treacherous, forbidden way – to carve this very passage, a direct conduit into the Seven-Colored Immortal’s sanctuary!”

“They came! Through this clandestine passage!”

“These are the mysterious celestials the Lightning Clan spoke of! Not denizens of the Outer Starry Sky, but of the Wind Immortal Realm itself! Yet their arrival went unnoticed!”

“They resealed the rift, vanished from the Wind Immortal Realm, perhaps seeking something within, before finally breaking through the Sealed Realm Formation and departing for the Outer Starry Sky!”

“Millennia passed, and they faded from memory… then, in time, with the collapse of the Four Immortal Realms, this rift was weakened, perhaps disturbed by the chaos, or destabilized by the passage itself. Whatever the cause, it opened paths to other realms, and from some unknown place, a swarm of mosquito-beasts poured forth!”

“These ravenous creatures infested the tunnel, tore open the ancient seal, and spilled into the shattered remnants of the Wind Immortal Realm, claiming it as their own!”

Wang Lin’s mind conjured vivid images, visions born of deduction and speculation. He gazed towards the end of the tunnel, lost in contemplation.

“This is the second opening of this accursed rift!”

“But these interlopers, they still linger within this Immortal Abode. They have not departed. Were they to leave, they would have sealed the passage utterly, erasing all trace of their trespass…

“If they remain, then where are they? Are they on the Five Planets? Perhaps they, too, seek the same prize as the Seven-Colored Immortal and Old Man Zhan!”

“Like mantises stalking cicadas, with the oriole lurking behind! This must be their intent!” With a surge of movement, Wang Lin snatched the mosquito-beast from its grisly feast, ready to depart.

But the beast protested, its eyes fixed on the countless eggs that lined the passage.

Wang Lin turned, a flicker of understanding in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a tempestuous wind erupted, whisking away the eggs, millions of them, into his storage space.

The mosquito-king emitted a joyful screech, and without a trace of regret, followed Wang Lin out of the fissure, where the whispering winds of the Wind Immortal Realm echoed through the mist-shrouded landscape.

Standing at the edge of the chasm, Wang Lin performed a series of hand seals, and the edges of the rift trembled, slowly drawing together. Through his mastery, the fissure was sealed shut.

Still, unease gnawed at him. He conjured a series of enchantments, weaving them into an intricate net that shrouded the newly sealed rift.

Even then, Wang Lin remained unconvinced. With a gesture, the colossal skull-continent from the Ancient Tomb materialized, sprouting with burgeoning Ancient Breath Leaves.

He waved his hand, sending forth a score of the leaves, fully matured, and affixed them to the sealed fissure, adding another layer of protection.

Having done all that he could, Wang Lin sheathed the remaining leaves and stowed the skull-continent. With a flick of his sleeves, he and the mosquito-beast vanished from the mist.

As the fissure faded into oblivion, the surrounding mist thinned, until the landscape was clear once more.

From the skies above, Wang Lin cast his gaze upon the shattered Wind Immortal Realm, his divine sense expanding to encompass the whole realm.

The Wind Immortal Realm, unlike the Rain and Thunder Realms, remained largely intact thanks to the presence of the mosquito-beasts.

“Then let the Wind Immortal Realm be my foundation! If the Flash Realm remains in a similar state, it too shall be incorporated!” Wang Lin inhaled deeply, and his Empty Realm Intermediate cultivation surged forth, enveloping the entirety of the Wind Immortal Realm.

Fragments of the world shook as an invisible force pushed them back together.

With the continents trembling, the heavens thundered, and the very winds began to collapse. The inhabitants of the Wind Immortal Realm looked to the sky in terror.

“Reassemble!” Wang Lin roared, his white hair dancing in the wind. He pulled his hands together, and with his mastery, he reunited the shattered pieces.

Intermediate Empty Step; a peak position under the third step that few reached.

As the shattered lands collided, a unified continent formed.

The winds of the sky collapsed, and the mosquito-beasts trembled, sensing Wang Lin’s presence.

In the last century, many of the beasts had fallen to the mosquito-king, and these remaining were but a shadow of their former selves.

Wang Lin descended to the face of the reborn continent, and merged with the land itself. Guiding the continent, he shot forward.

He emerged into the Cloud Sea, a place of vast expanse. The continent shimmered with a powerful aura unique to the Dome.

The mosquito-beasts were trapped in the aura, unable to flee, and fell to the face of the continent.

Wang Lin drove the continent to the Flash Realm.

The last of the Four Realms that he had to visit, it was a land filled with glaring light.

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Chapter 1637: Ancient Mysteries – The Outsider

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