Chapter 1968: | Renegade Immortal
Renegade Immortal - Updated on March 9, 2025
“古族之力也好,仙族修為也罷,皆為我王林一生苦修所得,乃吾之力量,豈容輕奪!若僅剩古族之力,吾絕不允許!” 王林雙目赤紅,意志堅定,於鈴音之中,竭力掙扎!
“散仙族修為,抹本源之力,忘卻昔日記憶,覺醒血脈傳承……此後,賜爾為道古一脈守護者,成就大天尊之能!” 一句冷漠滄桑之語,自鈴鎖聲響中,悠悠傳入王林心神。
“吾身之上,無仙族修為,唯有我王林三千多年,屬于我自己的力量!汝,憑何令吾散去!” 王林低吼,體內鈴鎖之聲轟鳴作響,與王林體內修為碰撞,王林再次噴出一口鮮血,身形不斷後退,似有一股無形巨力推動,令他連退數百台階,立于古道山山腰。
“吾之本源,乃人生沉澱,承載吾一生之命運與掙扎,汝,又憑何令吾散去!” 王林仰頭,雙目血絲更甚,向著山頂高塔,發出生命之嘶吼。
“吾之記憶,重于修為,重于本源,重于血脈傳承,重于汝所賜之大天尊之能!吾一生為記憶而活,汝,憑何令吾將其遺忘!” 王林爆發最強咆哮,體內鈴鎖之力轟然捲動,似欲在他體內炸開一般。
“古道山九百九十九階石阶,汝若能踏过三百,饶恕汝不敬之罪!” 冷漠沧桑之音自山顶高塔传出,回荡天地。
“古道前辈……” 玄罗神色焦急。
“汝之弟子,吾不认可!” 被迷雾笼罩的身影,声音冷漠。
“然,既为汝所引荐,若能踏上三百台阶,吾可允汝带其离去。 然,其体内之魂血,吾不会出手令其血脉觉醒。
至于守护道古一脉之人…… 既汝选择了他,便由他来吧。不过,他从此之后,不可离开古族,否则,吾会出手。” 迷雾内身影,话语冰冷,不含丝毫情感。
玄罗面露苦涩,他引荐王林,本为好意,却不料古道大天尊竟有如此言语。 沉默中,他目露果断,向迷雾身影抱拳一拜。
“He shall not pass the three hundredth step,” the figure within the mist declared, its voice a slow, deliberate echo.
Xuan Luo remained silent.
At the base of the Ancient Dao Mountain, Wang Lin stood, gazing towards the summit. He knew his master was there, perhaps even now watching him.
“Wang Lin, ascend three hundred steps with your most potent cultivation! Let the Great Heavenly Venerate Ancient Dao see if my disciple, Xuan Luo’s, possesses the strength!” Xuan Luo’s voice boomed from the mountain’s peak, laced with a palpable fury.
This was Xuan Luo’s wrath, spoken from the highest tower, heedless of the Great Heavenly Venerate Ancient Dao’s presence within the swirling mists.
“I brought him from the Realm of Caves. I brought him here. And I shall take him away, or I shall die trying!” Xuan Luo turned to face the figure veiled in mist, each word a deliberate hammer blow. He stood tall, his back straight, his days of obeisance now past.
The figure within the mist offered no reply. Silence reigned in the tower’s highest chamber.
Xuan Luo held a singular affection for Wang Lin. He had witnessed Wang Lin’s struggles in the Realm of Caves, seen his resilience and determination. He had even glimpsed the profound love Wang Lin bore for the woman called Wan’er.
Xuan Luo could not forget Wang Lin’s tears in the Realm of Caves, the longing for his wife.
It reminded him of himself, of his own past. Even Wang Lin’s trials in the Immortal Clan were like seeing a reflection of himself, his long life momentarily overlapping with Wang Lin’s.
Wang Lin stood at the foot of the Ancient Dao Mountain, his master’s words ringing in his ears. Resolve hardened his gaze. He held no fondness for this Ancient Dao Mountain, and even less respect for the Great Heavenly Venerate Ancient Dao.
“In this world, the strong dictate the fate of the weak,” Wang Lin muttered. “Ancient Dao, with his unparalleled cultivation, the strongest in the Immortal Astral Continent, presumes to impose his will upon me. But the day will come when my strength surpasses even Ancient Dao’s. And on that day, I shall be the heaven!” The aura of the Great Heavenly Venerate’s Sun pulsed behind Wang Lin, radiating a blinding light that flowed into him, making him seem to tower over the landscape.
He raised his foot, stepping onto the first step!
This first step was Wang Lin’s initial act of defiance in the Ancient Clan. It was the first whisper of dissent, the first crack in the foundation of the Ancient Clan’s unwavering obedience!
He had intended to remain within the Ancient Clan for a considerable time, moved by his master’s grace, enduring the homage due to the Ancient Dao Emperor, and the discomfort of this land’s rigid imperial hierarchy.
But now, though he might continue to endure, a fissure had opened between him and the Ancient Clan, a rift that could not be erased. Perhaps, in the absence of further events, this crack might slowly heal under the balm of Xuan Luo’s affection…
But that chance, that fragile possibility, was utterly shattered by a momentous event unfolding within the Ancient Dao Imperial City, within the very heart of the royal family.
Within the Imperial Palace of the Ancient Dao Imperial City, the Ancient Dao Emperor sat in his private chambers, his eyes snapping open as he gazed ahead. Before him knelt three elders clad in purple robes, their faces flushed with excitement.
“Your Majesty, for centuries we have attempted to meld the remnant soul with countless women, yet all have failed. The chosen women cannot merge with the soul, exhibiting a violent rejection that prevents the soul from being nourished,” one of the elders declared, his voice trembling with anticipation. After centuries of clandestine effort, success was at hand, promising a reward of unimaginable proportions.
“Where did this successful candidate come from, and what is her name?” the Ancient Dao Emperor inquired, his composure masking a rising tide of expectation. He could not forget the words of the State Preceptor, that this remnant soul could grant him the power to unite all Ancient Clans under a single, eternal Emperor!
“From the Original Ancient lineage, Your Majesty. Her name is Song Zhi!” another of the kneeling elders eagerly replied.
“Bring Song Zhi to the palace. I wish to see this woman with my own eyes. Prepare a decree to announce to the realm that in three months, I shall hold a coronation! I shall take Song Zhi as my Empress, and establish her as the Empress of my Dao Ancient lineage!” The Ancient Dao Emperor rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with fervent zeal.