Chapter 1024: Human Proofreader. | Sword Of Coming [Translation]

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - Updated on February 19, 2025

The feast concluded, Zhao Shuxia cleared the remnants of the meal, while Ning Ji spirited away the low table.

A radiant moon commanded the heavens, its light bathing the world in a semblance of spun glass. The night air was crisp and invigorating, a gentle breeze whispering through the leaves and rustling their garments. Such a moment, such a sky – a stolen respite, a taste of paradise.

Three chairs stood beneath the eaves, where the old scholar held court in the center seat, one leg crossed over the other, his fingers drumming a soft rhythm on his knee as he hummed a rustic tune. A cool breeze toyed with the snow-white wisps of hair at his temples.

Chen Ping’an, with a leisurely sway of his palm-leaf fan, sat at his master’s side. Unlike his more proper senior disciples, he neither adopted a rigid posture nor retreated into taciturnity like the taciturn Jun Qian.

Lu Chen, hands tucked within his sleeves, leaned back against his chair, legs outstretched, an air of utter ease about him. Matters of state and household chores, celestial events and mundane tasks, all grievances were for a time set aside.

Their conversation meandered to the matter of the Wen Miao’s impending enshrinement of the Five Peaks Guardians of Baoping Continent, and the bestowal of divine titles. According to the old scholar, a knotty problem had arisen. As the ranks of the Five Peaks Guardians were equal, there was no precedence to be considered. Should the Wen Miao send a single sage to preside over the ceremony, the order in which the guardians were ennobled would become a contentious issue. Yet, to hold all five simultaneously would require the deployment of five attendant sages – a feat difficult to accomplish given the Wen Miao’s current workload, and the need for all to be present on Baoping Continent.

It seemed politics was a constant, whether among mortals or immortals.

Below the mountains, the Imperial Court bestowed purple robes upon the esteemed monks of Buddhism and granted honorific titles to Taoist adepts. Likewise, emperors and the Ministry of Rites followed established procedures for ennobling the spirits of mountains and rivers.

Fame and fortune were inseparable. It was not scarcity, but inequality that bred discontent. The Wen Miao sought to treat all equally, to offer respect to each mountain guardian without diminishing another.

To have five heads of Confucian academies preside over the ceremonies might be seen as insufficient, the ritual slighted.

Yet, for a sage to employ a doppelganger would be unseemly, an indication of disrespect from the Wen Miao. The bestowal of a “divine title,” as the old scholar had japed with Yu Xuan in the Celestial Beyond, was a celebration more momentous than a wedding, a once-in-a-lifetime honor. Each guardian would desire a grand and auspicious ceremony. Ask Wei Bo, or the Central Peak Guardian, Jin Qing – would they dare demur if they heard that the Sage of Sages himself wished to be present?

Lu Chen chuckled, “Then let the two Deputy Leaders of the Wen Miao, along with the High Priests of the three Academies, make a journey to Baoping Continent.”

The old scholar stroked his beard. “Even among Deputy Leaders and High Priests, there are ranks and distinctions. Mountain gods are seasoned officials, steeped in centuries, even millennia, of courtly intrigue. Though they may not voice their discontent, they will certainly take note of any slight.”

Lu Chen, adopting the role of strategist for the Wen Sheng lineage, offered another suggestion. “Since the bestowing of divine titles was your idea, old scholar, perhaps the Wen Miao could issue a decree permitting each guardian to select a propitious day, aligned with the Five Elements and free of conflict. You, old scholar, known for your versatility, could then travel to each mountain within the year.”

The old scholar bristled. “Nonsense! It wasn’t my idea at all. It was a Baoping Continent Academy functionary, hailing from a lineage of scholarly pursuits, who felt that the Five Peaks had distinguished themselves in the recent war, and that the Wen Miao must acknowledge their contribution.”

Lu Chen feigned surprise, then looked puzzled. “Have I misheard? Is it not said that Mao Xiaodong, the second-in-command of the Book of Rites Academy, has a heart aligned with Wen Sheng despite being a member of the Book of Rites lineage?”

The old scholar hurriedly tugged at Lu Chen’s sleeve, drawing him close and whispering, “Such unfounded gossip must not be spread. It could lead to misunderstandings. Should the stubborn High Priest of the Book of Rites Academy overhear such a remark, he would surely want to argue, and if he did, I would be put in a difficult position between the two sides, and would be useless as a mediator.”

Lu Chen swiftly changed the subject, laughing. “If only we were in Qing Ming, it would be far simpler.”

The Five Cities and Twelve Towers of Bai Yujing, while possessing an order of precedence within the Taoist lineage, held no ranking in terms of importance. In such a matter, the Grand Master could simply select five City or Tower Lords. Even were the ceremonies doubled, Bai Yujing would not be stretched thin.

Lu Chen added, “Regardless of how the Wen Miao chooses to proceed, I hold no personal connection with those mountain deities, save for Wei Bo of Piyiun Mountain. I would like to witness that event. Old scholar, might I make an appearance, offer a few cheers to support our Guardian Wei?”

Chen Ping’an inquired, “Master, has the Wen Miao already decided on the Guardians’ divine titles, awaiting only the ceremony to make them known? Or, as with the names submitted by candidate sects, can they be proposed by the Guardians themselves, subject to the Wen Miao’s approval?”

Lu Chen smiled knowingly. For a friend, Chen Ping’an was willing to go to great lengths, his words suggesting a desire to assist Wei Bo and Piyiun Mountain.

The old scholar smiled. “Generally, divine titles for the Five Peaks Guardians and the River Dukes are chosen and bestowed by the Wen Miao. But in this matter, there are no set precedents. Where there is no prohibition, all is permitted. So it is not impossible to discuss it. However, throughout Haoran’s history, from the age of antiquity, mountain and river deities have followed the Wen Miao’s decree, accepting whatever is given. And generally, they have been quite satisfied.”

It was akin to choosing a given name for one’s own child, or for a promising youth from another house. The name would carry deep meaning, and few would find fault with it, for it would be with them for all of their lives.

Turning to Chen Ping’an, the old scholar inquired, “Does our Guardian Wei have a particularly favored divine title?”

Chen Ping’an replied with a smile, “There is a popular choice, though I do not know if Guardian Wei himself favors it.”

The old scholar nodded. “Were he to secure the title of ‘Night Wanderer’, to truly embody that role, it would be of great benefit to both Wei Bo and Piyiun Mountain. Ping’an, you might suggest it to Wei Bo, provided he does not find the title… distasteful. Of course, there is no need to force it. For the Wen Miao to select fitting words and craft a suitable title is no great task.”

In Haoran, mountain and river deities held celebrations on auspicious nights, to honor the countless martial spirits and officials in the City God Temples within their territories; hence, these were known as the Night Wanderer feasts.

Lu Chen nodded in agreement. “Just as Yu Xuan owns the character for Talisman, and finds it easily accepted, there are many unforeseen benefits. The mysteries are beyond the comprehension of outsiders.”

The old scholar clasped his knees and nodded. “When high renown and position are combined with merit and virtue, it is justice, and one can receive these things with equanimity.”

As with their old friend from the Southern Emerald Continent, the Pure Scholar Chen Chun’an.

And of course, there was the Old Scholar’s “Wen Sheng” Wen.

Chen Ping’an said, “Then I will speak with Wei Bo when I see him, and offer a few words of advice.”

Perhaps the matter of his divine title would be a catalyst for the further growth of Wei Bo’s Golden Body.

Unlike cultivators, who could follow countless paths to ascend, mountain and river deities had only one path to improve the Golden Bodies of their temple deities: to accumulate merit and refine incense.

Lu Chen chuckled, “This is called the opportune time when heaven and earth join forces.”

Wei Bo had once been the foremost mountain guardian of the now-fallen State of Shenshui. His Golden Body had been shattered and cast into the waters near Red Candle Town. A woman had retrieved a portion of it, and Wei Bo had eked out an existence as a wandering spirit, lingering near the old temple grounds. When the Dali Song clan expanded southward, incorporating the lands of Embroidery, Jade Dew, and Flush Water, the Dali Court, fully aware of Wei Bo’s identity and history, made him a mere Land God of Qipan Mountain. In retrospect, it seemed a deliberate act by the Dali Song clan.

First, he ascended to become the New Northern Peak Guardian of Dali, and then one of the guardians of a continent. His Golden Body, once of Jade Purity, had risen to the realm of Immortals.

Now, with the gift of Wu Cai and the forthcoming enshrinement and divine title from the Wen Miao, along with the encouragement of the Dali Court, Wei Bo’s “Triple Crown” in Baoping Continent’s history was all but assured.

The old scholar stroked his beard and chuckled, “A living treasure. Our friend Lingjun is truly a living treasure.”

As the saying went, “To have an elder in the house is to have a treasure.” To have such a youth, one who delighted in patting shoulders, was indeed a blessing to Luopo Mountain.

Prior to seeing the old scholar’s Celestial Beyond scroll this evening, Chen Ping’an knew only that Chen Lingjun had met with the founders of the Three Teachings in the small town, but the words spoken and actions taken had been obscured by a fog of mystery.

For, afterward, Chen Lingjun had entered a state of ineffable wonder, unable even to utter the name of “Tao Ancestor.” Thus, Chen Ping’an did not know the specifics, nor would he pry for answers. Yet, given Chen Lingjun’s style, Chen Ping’an could guess a few things. However, the specifics of the encounter with the old Daoist,

The old scholar roared with laughter. “Lu Zhangjiao, would you dare address Zheng Juzhong, face to face, as ‘Nephew Zheng’?”

Lu Chen swiftly reached up to touch his lotus crown, steadying himself.

The old scholar chuckled, “The simple are blessed. The wisest cannot replicate simplicity.”

Lu Chen nodded. “The human heart is fickle, the world impermanent. Good men err, and bad men do good. The most difficult thing is to maintain a childlike heart, untouched by the world.”

Chen Ping’an mentioned that Chen Lingjun had declined Lu Chen’s offer to “reap the rewards” in Qing Ming, showing no interest in an effortless ascent to the Ascendant Realm.

The old scholar stroked his beard and smiled. “A line so fine, a bait so sweet, it repels the fish.”

Lu Chen nodded like a chick pecking at rice. “That is called being too clever for one’s own good. It was my miscalculation.”

The old scholar smiled, saying nothing. Ultimately, Lu Chen did not believe that Chen Lingjun needed to go to Qing Ming.

Indeed, in a way, the youth’s ultimate choice had been Lu Chen’s gift to him. Mutual convenience, mutual freedom, mutual fulfillment.

The old scholar said with heartfelt sincerity, “Lu Zhangjiao’s Theory of the Equality of All Things, in my view, is the most profound of all philosophies.”

Lu Chen laughed. “Wen Sheng, without the qualifier?”

The old scholar shook his head, remaining silent.

All sages and saints are distinguished by their non-action.

Lu Chen’s philosophy was expansive, so expansive.

Even Bai Ye, that most arrogant of friends, had, years ago, confessed that he wished to visit Lu Chen in Nanhua City above all.

It was no wonder that some Haoran scholars and Bai Yujing Daoists shared the view that Bai Ye’s poetry, however brilliant, never escaped the confines of Lu Chen’s influence.

The old scholar had, in his cups, shared this disparaging view with Bai Ye, a thing only the old scholar would dare to do, and only the old scholar could get away with.

Bai Ye had remained silent for a time, then smiled and said, “It is not wrong.”

One could take this as an acceptance of the statement, or as meaning simply that he neither agreed nor disagreed.

Lu Chen raised his sleeve and bowed. “To be so praised by Wen Sheng outside the context of the table is a gift, and means my trip home, even if fruitless, will not have been in vain.”

The old scholar waved his hand. “I do not praise lightly.”

If someone was said to have good drinking habits by Chen Lingjun, it was certain that their table manners were up to the task.

Similarly, if Chen Ping’an, obsessive about “reasoning things out,” said that someone was good at reasoning, then their arguments were not only sound, but also pleasant to hear.

And who could earn the praise of the Great Sword Immortal for their swordsmanship?

To be so respected by the Old Scholar, for one’s understanding and wisdom, must surely be genuine.

Lu Chen, addressing Chen Ping’an, said, “Within the Fox Kingdom of your Lotus Root blessed land, there is a young girl. I will not reveal her identity, nor when she will appear, but you should seek her out. When she attains the Middle Five Realms, bestow upon her the Daoist name ‘Cui Bai’ – Pure White. I believe her future achievements will be great. If you, as the Mountain Master, are bold, and Luopo Mountain’s luck is strong, you might find her early, while she is still in the dark, and before she has received her true name, and so transmit your teachings and thus name her. The benefits will be compounded.”

This information, Lu Chen claimed, had been gleaned from casual conversation with his “Shishu.”

The old scholar said, “Bright Moon Daoist Temple is full of virtue, the White Cloud Office will guide her up.” Then, to Lu Chen, “Has the Old Daoist accepted any disciples?”

Lu Chen replied, “He has. By all appearances, it is both his first and final disciple. The Shishu has high hopes for Wang Yuanlu. He may take more disciples in the future, though likely without the formal master-disciple relationship, more as half-master, half-friend. But a Daoist temple is sure to land there. Bai Yujing is pleased by this.”

The old scholar clicked his tongue. “With the Tao Ancestor’s involvement, Bai Yujing’s disposition is something new to see.”

Lu Chen huffed, “When I was seated in Bai Yujing, my disposition for leadership wasn’t small either.”

Going with the flow, paying attention to every detail, thousands upon thousands of Dao officials, it’s been all roses!

Chen Ping’an was puzzled. “As a fox spirit, would that name not be too grand?”

A fox without any impurities in the world, if you only want to consider how it’s name, is simply not a good idea.

Lu Chen’s words were never without purpose; it was never the wrong choice, that was never Lu Chen’s intent.

A cultivator’s Daoist name was much like a mortal’s given name. To select one that was too grandiose was to make it difficult to “accept.”

It was akin to “a brilliant house, spied upon by spirits.” Of course, nothing was absolute. It was not necessarily bad to choose such a name. But for a cultivator, clinging to luck was not a wise habit.

Lu Chen smiled slyly. “With you to bear the weight, what is there to fear?”

Just as a Dragon-Tiger Mountain Celestial Master’s Seal, stamped upon a fox skin, could ward off tribulation – a universally accepted truth on the mountains.

By the same token, to have the young Mountain Master, adorned with the true names of great demons, bestow a true name upon this as-yet-unborn fox spirit, was indeed a blessing without consequence.

Perhaps, when she later cultivated on the mountains and broke through to the Golden Core and Upper Five Realms, Chen Ping’an could help shoulder the tribulation, offering her stable protection.

Chen Ping’an glanced at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen hurriedly clarified, “This is not an attempt at matchmaking! Cultivation on the mountains should not be mired in matters of romance. That would be petty!”

Chen Ping’an hesitated, then asked, “Are you not going to Dali Capital, to see Aunt Feng?”

Lu Chen sighed and nodded. “I must. Whether I can share a drink with her is a matter of luck.”

Due to the long-forgotten affair with the dragon palace, Aunt Feng harbored resentment toward the Bai Yujing Grand Master, who had left without a word. She was championing the cause of the Dragon Daughter.

If Lu Chen had been willing to act, the Dragon Slaying campaign would never have occurred.

There were two ancient Rain Masters, neither of whom were among the Twelve Supreme Deities. Their roles and positions had been divided, much like Aunt Feng’s.

Afterward, they idly discussed Qing Ming’s secret histories and hidden affairs, such as the untold grudges and romances of Kongshan Lake, and why Long Xinpu had been captivated by Sun Daozhang’s elder sister, known as “Wangsun”, how to be in love, what the rumors were. The old scholar and Lu Zhangjiao often exchanged glances, chuckling softly.

The old scholar, mellowed by wine and persuaded to stay by Chen Ping’an, elected to sleep in his close disciple’s room. The old man did not snore, and slept soundly.

For a cultivator, especially one of the Dao, true restful sleep was dreamless.

This was a perplexing puzzle that has stymied the world to this day.

The higher one climbs, the less one dreams.

Lu Chen, hands tucked within his sleeves, gazed up at the moon.

Men often sought to drown their sorrows in wine, but these three used the setting to let the alcohol drift away.

Lu Chen rose suddenly, laughing. “Shall we stroll for a while?”

Chen Ping’an rose as well, accompanying Lu Chen as they walked along the stream-side path, their footsteps silent on the soft earth.

Lu Chen offered a sudden, unexpected lament. “If it were only on paper, it is a terrible shame that the wild tribes did not take Baoping Continent in one go.”

Bai Yujing had been analyzing that war, and arrived at a conclusion that differed from many cultivators on Haoran, the mountain’s peak, and sometimes, exactly the opposite.

Lu Chen said with a chuckle, “After quantifying the heavens, the earth, and the people, if we assign the strength of the wild tribes a value of one hundred, Chen Ping’an, what would you give to Haoran?”

Chen Ping’an seemed to have considered this question before. “At least one hundred and fifty. If we factor in some… principle, like the will of the people, Haoran’s value is halved, while the wild tribes’ strength would diminish only slightly. That is why that war was so arduous and bloody.”

Lu Chen nodded. “That is why I said to those perplexed old Daoists in Bai Yujing that Haoran’s youth were the greatest variable.”

After a pause, Lu Chen added, “Zhou Shenzhi, Bai Ye, Yu Xuan, Chen Chun’an – at some point, they were all young. As for Sword Qi Great Wall, Dong Sangeng, Chou Miao, and those foreign sword cultivators, whether they ultimately returned to Haoran or not, it is the same.”

After offering this seemingly definitive statement, Lu Chen added a prophesying remark. “But you must know that, whether it be debts repaid, or fortunes turned, the wild tribes will eventually have their own… youth. If the Wen Miao does not deliver a timely, audacious decision, both worlds will sink deeper into the mire, like…”

Chen Ping’an finished, “Calligraphy copying.”

Lu Chen slapped his thigh. “An apt analogy.”

Calligraphy copying involved one person holding the original text while another read aloud, an adversarial process, akin to enemies facing each other.

Lu Chen said, “White Emperor City will soon skip two grades, and be directly promoted to a true temple.”

For it to become a temple, it must have an upper and lower temple.

With the merit Zheng Juzhong had been accumulating, the Wen Miao was not merely offering an open door. During the conflict between the two worlds, Zheng Juzhong had, in full view of all, slain a Celestial Realm demon on Mount Tuoyue, then physically moved the entire city of Jincui away from the wilds, almost making the move underneath the eyes of Bai Ze. And these were only the things done out in the open. As for Zheng Juzhong, who had secretly merged with the path of righteousness in the wilderness, who knew what machinations he had planned, what seeds he had sown?

Hu Tu’s greatest threat was the fact that Zheng Juzhong now had two samples of his blood.

It was uncertain if Bai Ze could help him resolve this danger. But if Bai Ze left him to deal with it himself, Chen Ping’an believed that, given Zheng Juzhong’s methods, Hu Tu would eventually become his puppet.

Two more private matters revealed the depths of Zheng Juzhong’s fearsomeness.

First, the Wen Miao and the God of Rites had made an exception for him, allowing Zheng Juzhong to forego the riverbank conference, which gathered all Fourteenth Realm cultivators.

Secondly, the Sage of Sages had said that he intended to speak with Zheng Juzhong before he dispersed his Dao.

Chen Ping’an nodded. “Perhaps Grand Tutor Zheng intends to empty the entire White Emperor City, leaving only himself, to focus on the Dao.”

Lu Chen chuckled. “A person such as Zheng Juzhong, who could still want to focus on the Dao?”

Those who had played Go with Zheng Juzhong, aside from Cui Chan, generally came to a series of increasingly unsettling conclusions:

How did I lose? Is it possible to play Go like this? Was I even playing Go with Zheng Juzhong?

Lu Chen asked with a smile, “Why not drag him into the quagmire?”

Wu Shuangjiang and the Sui Chu Palace, like Yu Dou and Bai Yujing, were clearly embroiled in a deadly feud. But Zheng Juzhong was different.

Chen Ping’an did not answer, using his toes to flick pebbles off of the road, moving forward.

Lu Chen smiled. So you believe that you, alone, can reach Bai Yujing… and the top floor?

Chen Ping’an said calmly, “It is not because of who I am that I will inevitably achieve something, or accomplish something. It is because I am who I am that I will inevitably do certain things. The two are intertwined. As for whether those things, great or small, succeed or fail, I will do my best, and leave the rest to fate.”

Lu Chen nodded in agreement, clasping his hands behind his head as he walked alongside Chen Ping’an. “I understand. I completely understand. You have always been this way, and that has never changed.”

Among those whom Lu Chen felt compelled to treat with caution, Zheng Juzhong of White Emperor City ranked highly, certainly within the top three.

On his return from Mount Tuoyue, Lu Chen had narrowly escaped an elaborate ambush set by Xiu Hu. But to be honest, what truly unnerved Lu Chen was Zheng Juzhong, who had been flirting with Wu Shuangjiang. Should Zheng Juzhong take over the matter from Chen Ping’an, or more accurately from Cui Chan, his behavior would be ruthless, and all ends would be justified to achieve his goals.

It would be like a Go game against Lu Chen, with the entire world as the board, and all of humanity as the pieces. The game could last centuries, even millennia. Cui Chan would merely be responsible for creating the board, and perhaps allowing his junior disciple, Chen Ping’an, to “help Cui Chan” by making the first move. After that, Wu Shuangjiang of the Sui Chu Palace and those sword cultivators from the Sword Qi Great Wall, Ning Yao’s Flying Ascent City, the Floating Duckweed Sword Lake, and Xie Songhua of the Snow White Continent – all would seem like bystanders, but they might play until the mid-game. Individuals such as Qi Tingji and the Dragon Elephant Sword Sect had already secretly taken in numerous Sword Qi Great Wall veterans who had been hidden in the wilderness for years; and Lu Zhi and Criminal Officer Hao Su were certainly not going to Bai Yujing’s Celestial City to practice swordsmanship. But the one truly controlling the game, who would eventually make the final move, was Zheng Juzhong.

Lu Chen even suspected that Cui Chan had secretly urged Zheng Juzhong to strike him down in order to have a wider path to the Dao and ascend to the Fifteenth Realm in a way that transcended the Three Religions.

In Qing Ming, within the field of that new moon, the Old Daoist whom Lu Chen called “Shishu” had used humanity as the board, revealing countless interconnections to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen’s greatest talent was, in the end, that assessment which had seen everything, from the Daoist’s Mouth: “no one can beat him. No one can beat him.”

More precisely, the statement required both a prefix and a suffix: Lu Chen could beat no one, and no one could beat Lu Chen.

At the same time, each statement served as a premise for the other, further highlighting Lu Chen’s “difference” from everyone else in the world.

In Qing Ming, even outside of Bai Yujing, Lu Chen almost never argued with other Daoists. Those daring enough to challenge Lu Chen to a Daoist debate were swiftly met with his concession or his hasty retreat.

In short, for three thousand years, Lu Chen had never had an enemy.

Like the Xuan Du Temple, who would dare to visit it so frequently other than Lu Chen? The gatekeeping woman found Lu Chen annoying, but never regarded him as an enemy, even though he was from Bai Yujing, and a City Lord and Grand Master.

Thus, Chen Ping’an’s “calligraphy copying” statement was simultaneously insightful and double-edged.

If the entire world were a book, Lu Chen did not see it as hostile, and made sure to stay out of each other’s way.

Thus, the Old Daoist, within the bright moon, had pointed to the board and quipped, “If you persist, you will lose more than just half your life.”

Upon that board, all of the “pieces” connected to Chen Ping’an, including Luopo Mountain, were scattered about, here a piece, there a piece, each attached to a sect or Immortal mansion, surrounded by close friends, appearing disorganized, and constantly… dividing the world. All of the pieces were connected by various threads. Thus, many pieces, seemingly unconnected to Chen Ping’an, such as Yang Qing of the imminent Celestial Beyond Mountain and Sea Pavilion, Xu Mian, who had petitioned Wen Sheng for seals and painted fans, Wang Yuanlu, and Zhang Fenghai… the Old Daoist had revealed his schadenfreude, lifting the “board” laden with the names of cultivators, mountains, and sects, holding it before Lu Chen like a wall. The Old Daoist had even asked Lu Chen if it reminded him of a “scab wall” covered with poetry, which was sure to elicit disgust.

Thus, Lu Chen had said something that Chen Ping’an could not yet comprehend, “If you continue to follow your Senior Brother Cui Chan’s plan, you could take a sword technique to the extreme. That path could be how you access the Fourteenth Realm.”

Chen Ping’an said, “It would seem that doing anything has a reward, or a price.”

“One should not easily forgive oneself.”

Lu Chen smiled. “Nor should one allow others to forgive me.”

Chen Ping’an said, annoyed, “It has been long since I left Book-Barrow Lake.”

Lu Chen smiled. “Daoists speak of天地, while Buddhists speak of世界. This is a world世 and this is the realm界: one of light, one of geography. For you to say that means Book-Barrow Lake is not far. Perhaps the years have passed and you have traveled far, or perhaps you have come closer. Who knows? Perhaps it is both far and near at once…”

Chen Ping’an said with a faint smile, “Since Lu Zhangjiao has called us friends, I would suggest that you not think too highly of me.”

Lu Chen nodded vigorously, clasped his hands, and said with a reverent expression, “May the hearts of the world be as Book-Barrow Lake is now.”

Then Lu Chen said to himself, “I reckon the Palace Master Wu and my Shishu have something in common; there is more than one path to find righteousness.”

Chen Ping’an held his breath, saying nothing.

Let Lu Chen and Bai Yujing guess as they please. Chen Ping’an and Luopo Mountain would focus on guarding that path.

Unknowingly, the grass-shoe youth from Mud-Bottle Alley had gradually become a Mountain Master, an elder, an Invisible Officer in many hearts.

Those children who had traveled from Sword Qi Great Wall to Upside-Down Mountain and scattered throughout Haoran, in addition to the masters and sects carefully chosen for them by the young Invisible Officer, also had an invisible backing in the Second Shopkeeper, who already possessed two sects, one above and one below. The name of Sword Qi Great Wall was their greatest protection.

Perhaps this was why Chen Ping’an, who had merged with half of Sword Qi Great Wall, had been reluctant to fully refine it.

With Chen Ping’an, a close disciple of the Wen Sheng lineage, in the Flying Ascent City of Wucai, the Wen Miao would be their half-family for when things go wrong. In certain situations, even if Ning Yao could not resolve the problem, the Wen Miao could face Bai Yujing in a head-to-head battle.

As for the Dali Dynasty, the last Invisible Officer of the Sword Qi Great Wall provided an invisible backing.

This was why the emperor Song He had appeared at that wedding and personally invited Chen Ping’an to take the position of National Tutor, which was temporarily vacant.

It was not that the Dali Dynasty, whose strength remained unparalleled in that region, was truly helpless against those agitated southern kingdoms. Rather, just as Chen Ping’an’s return to Luopo Mountain caused those southern kingdoms that had attempted to remove the stone monument to quietly desist without any diplomatic overtures from the Dali Song clan.

“It is said that fortune and disaster are intertwined, life and death are neighbors, and those who have attained the Dao, or who are about to, are unconcerned by both. The anger of a common man is but blood shed within three feet, the smashing of a head upon the ground. I believe that the uniquely talented Palace Master Wu desires something greater.”

Lu Chen continued, “As for the path of retreat Wu Shuangjiang has laid for herself, I cannot yet guess, nor do I care to guess. It will be revealed in time. Wu Shuangjiang’s strategy, as a master of military tactics, is not complex. With those comrades of the Sui Chu Palace, all of whom once stood prominently in the Qing Ming annals, she seeks to incite a series of battles, ultimately seeking to transform my 余Shixiong into… a fish who can’t swim in water.”

Haoran and Qing Ming each had internal and external troubles. The external troubles of the latter were, of course, the demons from the outer heavens, which could never be fully exterminated.

Not long ago, the Tao Ancestor had personally intervened, seemingly reaching some agreement with that demon from the outer heavens. As such, Bai Yujing only had internal troubles.

Lu Chen said with a smile, “Those who desire the same thing hate each other, while those who share the same worries love each other.”

“Palace Master Wu has certainly found a few like-minded strategists. One of them is so skilled in military tactics as to be virtually unrivaled.”

As he spoke, Lu Chen held up a hand and shook it. “For ten thousand years, regardless of the deities enshrined in the Temple of War, in terms of strategy and use of troops, no matter how later generations dispute the rankings of past military strategists, this person would surely be in the top five, adept at winning with inferior forces, and fond of fighting battles that leave the opposition utterly bewildered in defeat.”

“This person appears as a young man, goes by the name Huan Jing, and takes the Daoist name ‘Wu Yang’ – Free from Harm.”

“But Bai Yujing has its share of experts as well. In one city, under the jurisdiction of the Palace of Quelled Weapons, there is an unknown little Daoist temple called Ling Xian Temple. Its current abbot has the appearance of an old man, has pored over military texts for years, and lives in seclusion with his Daoist partner, uninterested in worldly affairs. He never leaves the boundaries of the Quelled Weapons jurisdiction, but occasionally strolls within the surrounding area, carrying a cane of ling shou wood from Guo Mountain, walking alone on the white paths among the clouds. This man is the opposite of Huan Jing, unrivaled in his era, so unrivaled that later historians believe his victories were due to a lack of capable generals.”

Lu Chen stretched and stopped beneath a tree by the river. “I envy those who, upon a chance meeting, need not even exchange names, but upon finding a kindred spirit, can swear oaths of life and death.”

Chen Ping’an asked, “What is the point of telling me these distant matters?”

Lu Chen said earnestly, “How do you know they are not matters close at hand?”

Chen Ping’an asked with a smile, “Close at hand? Why am I unaware?”

Lu Chen said, “You are right.”

They continued in silence, walking away from the academy before turning back.

A traveling editor of mountains and rivers.

Green shadows of locust trees, bright moonlight. As the spring breeze sweeps through, all flowers vie for beauty.

Back to the novel Sword Of Coming [Translation]


Chapter 1024: Human Proofreader.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 604: Immortal Emperor Qinglin

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 1023: Aside from the Main Story

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 603: The whereabouts of Greed Wolf.

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 1022: “Losing Half in Mō Yú Er.”

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 602: . The third sword energy.

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025