Chapter 1070: A Painting in the Mountains | Sword Of Coming [Translation]

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - Updated on February 20, 2025

Within the mystic confines of Jade Mountain, Chen Ping’an, leaving Yu Xuan to his own devices, descended the peak. He sought the humble bamboo dwelling, shedding his celestial garments for the homespun attire of a mountain recluse, donning once more the cotton robe and cloth shoes. The world around him was a symphony of verdant hues, a tapestry woven with shades of emerald and jade.

Xie Gou, perched upon the precipice, near a weathered table, declared her mission fulfilled, the message delivered to that flamboyant rogue, Liu. Chen Ping’an, with a gracious smile, nodded his thanks, requesting that she inform Guo Zhujiu of the evening’s repast.

Whenever Guo Zhujiu graced the mountain with his presence for supper, Chen Ping’an would personally tend the hearth, conjuring forth a selection of his most celebrated dishes. Though he would never presume to rival the culinary artistry of Zhu Lian, he could confidently proclaim them palatable, truthful, and satisfying to the soul.

Yu Xuan sighed in quiet resignation. Chen Ping’an’s self-assessment, “Lacking in talent, I must rely on ingenuity,” had left the venerable True Man speechless. “Friend Chen,” he lamented, “must you always wound with words? Old Scholar, you must intervene!”

Of Peach Talisman Mountain’s five orders, only one was favored by the land. Yu Xuan recalled the promising saplings within his own fold, their innate gifts blossoming with unparalleled speed, yet each burdened by an arrogance of spirit. He remembered one youthful Golden Core swordsman, his name etched upon the scrolls of the Meridian View lineage, who dared to cast a disdainful glance upon his ancestral founder, lamenting his lack of skill with the sword. “Perhaps,” Yu Xuan mused, “a sojourn to Fallen Phoenix Mountain would serve them well. Let them, confident in their unmatched brilliance, behold Chen Ping’an, whose Golden Core shattered and reformed, whose breakthroughs demanded countless retreats!” Yet, would the esteemed Chen deign to undertake such a task?

Or must he expend a king’s ransom, five hundred gold essence coins, to acquire the sacred title of “Daoist Temple” or “View of the Dao,” merely to broach the subject of “additions” with the esteemed Chen?

“Amidst the towering, fragmented peaks, arises the land of Chu.”

“Blame not this realm for its ancient ways, for here lies the spine of the world.”

The diminutive True Man, clad in a robe of deepest violet, consulted the heavens, his gaze fixed upon the eastern gate of the humble town. There, Yu Xuan perceived the approach of a Daoist, astride an ox, heralded by a purple aura from the east.

Daring not to linger upon such visions of bygone days, Yu Xuan stood upon the rail, exclaiming in surprise. He beheld a surge of amethyst essence, dividing into two torrents that crashed into his very sleeves. There, they writhed and settled, heavier than any ethereal spirit, weighing down even the Fourteenth Realm True Man. “Were I in the celestial realm,” he mused, “I would not be bowed thus!”

Composing himself, Yu Xuan shook his sleeves and offered a salute to the heavens, thanking the Daoist Patriarch for his blessings.

Liu Sixteen and Bai Ye, neighbors in this tranquil haven, fostered an easy camaraderie. Zheng Youqian, at long last, beheld the most favored being in the human realm, the sprite from the Tong Ye continent, and even found the courage to exchange a few words.

It seemed he had wronged the master. For the master had not boasted without cause; he truly knew Bai Ye.

Zheng Youqian felt no particular fear of Bai Ye, for the sprite only slew the monstrous kings of the desolate wastes.

But to be the Small Martial Uncle of the Hidden Official was a different matter entirely. When encountering demons, it was a slaughter without end, a storm of steel that did not pause for breath.

Of course, beyond his exploits on the Sword Qi Great Wall, he was also the Small Martial Uncle of their lineage. Their first meeting on the mountain path had been pleasant, the master speaking softly, a model of composure.

Because his elder brother, Bai Deng, was appointed the Rightful River God of the Iron Talisman River by the Great Li court, lacking only the final steps of ascension and consecration, the silver deer demon, now known as Zeng Cuo, consulted with his younger brother, Gao Geng of Azure Palace Mountain. They would safeguard their brother’s journey and attend the court’s ceremony. Furthermore, the North Peak’s Cloud-Veiled Mountain held a grand celebration bestowed by the Temple of Literature, a night banquet famed throughout the land. They sought seats, but did not know Wei, Lord of Mountains. Thus, they asked Fallen Phoenix Mountain to obtain three seats. Silver Deer dared not feign familiarity with Chen, Hidden Official, lest he be struck down. Therefore, Gao Geng would seek the young Hidden Official. Three invitations from Wei, Lord of Mountains, was a small price to pay!

Learning that Chen, Lord of Mountains, walked with a purple-robed Daoist upon the mountain peak, Gao Geng, with a feigned air of ease, departed his abode, a mask of dread replacing his false bravado the moment he left. He dared not disturb the mountain lord’s conversations, and instead lingered near the intersection of the mountain path and the divine road, awaiting Chen Ping’an’s descent. He hastened forward, steeling himself, and requested the invitations. Chen Ping’an, without hesitation, smiled and declared it a trifle. Gao Geng need only mention it casually to Chen Lingjun, who would then inform him. As a guest on the mountain, such fanfare was unnecessary.

Overjoyed, Gao Geng could scarcely believe the favor he held with Chen, Lord of Mountains!

Chen, Lord of Mountains, even escorted Gao Geng to his very doorstep, conversing with him along the way with easy familiarity. Gao Geng watched the mountain lord depart, and then turned to deliver the news to his brothers. Even the master, Jing Hao, had never received a private audience with this illustrious young official!

Ning Ji, upon his first arrival at Fallen Phoenix Mountain, found all to be wondrous and new. However, he dared not venture forth alone. The master was busy, and Ning Ji remained in the company of Zhao, his elder brother, like a humble attendant.

Nuan Shu, the pink-clad girl, explained that as a student of the mountain lord, he was entitled to a dwelling. Several stood vacant, awaiting his selection. But the impoverished youth dared not claim an entire residence, for he was not accustomed to such luxury. He requested only to share a dwelling with Zhao, his elder brother.

Zhao Shuxia, ever diligent in his pursuit of martial prowess, walked his forms ceaselessly in the courtyard.

Ning Ji sat upon the steps, quietly observing, finding tranquility in the sight.

Cen Yuanji practiced her martial forms upon the mountain’s sacred paths. The Xianwei Daoist, typically a model of decorum, would offer pleasantries regarding the weather whenever Cen Yuanji paused for breath. Now, however, his gaze mirrored Zheng Dafeng’s, his head moving in unison, forever locked upon her form.

Indeed, birds of a feather flock together. They were both chosen by the mountain lord to guard the gate.

Chen Lingjun, seized by a sudden urge to depart the mountain, earned himself a scolding. Nuan Shu, accompanied by Xiao Mili, found him and demanded to know if his senses had fled him. “Why,” she demanded, “would you abandon this paradise for the squalor of Dragon Riding Lane? Who are you trying to spite?” Chen Lingjun, crestfallen, observed the pink-clad girl as she rushed off to other duties. A noble spirit should not quarrel with a witless fool. He sat upon the steps, embracing his sorrow. Xiao Mili, seated beside him, tugged at his sleeve and offered him a handful of melon seeds. As Chen Lingjun cracked the seeds, courage returned to him, and he indulged in idle chatter with Xiao Mili. The girl assured him that the kindly mountain lord had revealed that the Old Immortal Yu had heard of his exploits in the Northern Reaches and desired to meet him. Chen Lingjun’s face blossomed with joy. Nuan Shu, lurking beyond the wall, confirmed Xiao Mili’s words and departed.

Xiao Mili, while revealing secrets, offered a subtle thumbs-up to the wall. Chen Lingjun nodded, acknowledging the gesture. They exchanged a knowing smile.

Cao Qinglang toiled in his studio, carving seals. The carving knife was a gift from Teacher Zhong, his companion on the Sword Qi Great Wall. He crafted a gourd-shaped seal, the inscription reading “Like a New Book,” intending it as a birthday gift for his mentor.

Within the room hung a plaque, its inscription composed by his mentor and then transferred to wood by Zhu, “A Hall for Hearing My Faults.”

Pei Qian accompanied Li Baoping to the Reading Slope, where Li Huai dwelled. No longer would they engage in the “literary battles” of their youth. The woman with her hair in buns, the martial artist of the Stopping Realm, and the scholar in his robes, the sage of the academy, had lost the taste for such squabbles.

Hearing of Li Baoping’s arrival, Lin Shouyi and Dong Shuijing, accompanied by Shi Jiachun, hurried to the Reading Slope aboard a talisman-powered skiff, eager for a reunion of classmates.

Cui Dongshan, acting without consulting his master, arranged for Liu Xianyang to wander in his dreams with a sword, and dared not face his mentor. He summoned Zhou, the chief disciple, and fled, seeking the Lotus Root Blessed Land to conclude unfinished business.

The sable-hatted girl reclined in the sea of clouds, her legs crossed, awaiting Little Mo’s return. Perhaps the gentle one would return today, or perhaps tomorrow. Ah, perhaps the day after would be their wedding night.

Beside her sat a white-haired child, consumed by sorrow, for he had learned of his banishment from the alliance by Guo, its leader. “What sins have I committed?” he lamented.

Sensing the strange amethyst aura emanating from the mountain peak, Xie Gou sat up, her fists clenched, her posture transformed. “Alas,” she lamented, “I carry a mere dagger, content to admire the peaks.”

Xie Gou pursed her lips. Guo, the leader, was right. She must not grow complacent due to her talent. Even Yu Xuan, a junior in the Dao, had reached the Fourteenth Realm.

In the small courtyard, Chen Ping’an, clad in an apron, busied himself at the stove. Liu Xianyang sat upon the threshold, while Gu Can knelt on a stool, cheeks puffed, blowing upon the embers.

Chen Ping’an casually inquired, “A substitute talisman?”

Liu Xianyang chuckled. “The rogue did indeed resort to such a means of escape, as slippery as an eel. The substitute was destroyed with ease. His true form cannot be powerful.”

Chen Ping’an cautioned, “Such means should be reserved until one approaches ascension.”

Liu Xianyang scoffed, “Instructing me? I shall release Gu Can upon you!”

Gu Can, unfazed, merely tilted his head, glancing at the condiments arrayed near the chopping board. “Fry me a green pepper and ham,” he demanded, “with extra spice.”

Chen Ping’an nodded, adding extra chili peppers, dicing the ham with precision. “Liu Chicheng has arrived in the city and dwells in Dong Shuijing’s inn. He shall arrive here within the next day or two for a drink.”

Gu Can retorted, “I find him tiresome. I wish not to see him.”

Chen Ping’an added more chili peppers, finely slicing the ham. “He is, after all, a martial uncle. To have Han Qiaose as a senior is a blessing. To have Liu Chicheng, who at least causes no harm, is a stroke of luck. You need not be overly affectionate, but courtesy must be observed.”

Gu Can paused, then said, “Such men as Liu Chicheng become more intelligent when left to themselves. Otherwise, they shall not engage their minds.”

Chen Ping’an smiled and nodded. “True enough.”

Gu Can then inquired, “I am idle. Shall I journey to the Tong Ye continent?”

In a battle of patience, Gu Can had never known defeat.

Chen Ping’an chided him, “Idle? Are you near the Immortality Realm? The founding of a lineage is no trifling matter.”

Gu Can fell silent.

Liu Xianyang exclaimed, “Oh, to hear you, a mere Nascent Soul, lecturing a sect leader! You shall squat and eat from a bowl, not graced upon the table!”

Unable to rebuke Chen Ping’an, Gu Can directed his ire towards Liu Xianyang. Knowing this was coming, Liu Xianyang immediately yielded, “Fine. Chen Ping’an shall squat, and I shall eat upon the ground.”

Yu Lu and Xie Xie boarded the wind kite ferry to Cow Horn Crossing. They did not ascend Fallen Phoenix Mountain, but journeyed directly to Two Sons Lane. The residence stood vacant for years, but Xie Xie retained the key. Yu Lu carried a stool to the courtyard, sitting and gazing skyward. Xie Xie, once a servant, had returned to familiar haunts. After drawing water, she began cleaning the furniture. Taking an old broom, she moved with careful grace, but then swept dust into Yu Lu’s face!

Jia, the Old Immortal, returned to Dragon Riding Lane, meeting the present-day steward, the Daoist Lin Feijing, the gifted disciple of Xianwei Daoist. Polite greetings were offered. The Old Immortal bought braised meats and a roast goose, and then, after a greeting with Shi at the New Year Shop, entered the Grass Head Shop, proclaiming his thirst. He instructed his disciples, Tian Jiuer and Zhao Denggao, to bring wine. The Old Immortal and Lin Feijing gave each other a Daoist salute. Lin Feijing rushed around the counter to greet the revered Old Immortal with proper respect.

He was pulled to the table. He said drinking must be in moderation. He raised his bowl to those present, and drank. He raised his own cheeks with drink. It was good to meet friends here! As long as both men did not get drunk, they would remain friends. Lin Feijing was at peace, and looked upon his peer as a respectable elder.

Zhu Lian was away, but his table was full! Chen Ping’an did not invite people, but those who could not find another place ate with him.

The youth then asked that Old Immortal Yu did not come today. Was he rude?

Chen asked Cao to invite his friends to Fallen Phoenix Mountain. Cao agreed, hesitant to tell his master that beside the Little Martial Uncle, two Sword Qi Great Wall youths had been used as bait. The Senior Martial Brother begged that this be a secret, lest he lose his seat as Sect Leader! Cao kept the secret to show respect for the choices of the others.

Chen told Cao privately that the Tong Ye Continent was dangerous. Therefore, Cao must not meet Xu Zhen and Yu Li alone, but take Cui Dongshan with him. Cao agreed. Chen wanted to explain further, but Cao said that he knew what to do.

The meal was good.

Because Chen, Lord of Mountains, had asked for invitations, Wei Bo had personally delivered them to Fallen Phoenix Mountain, and had written the names of Bai Deng and the others without the usual formalities.

The Sword Cultivator Bai Deng, with the Demon Silver Deer, was unused to such respect. Gao Geng, however, understood, and cooked a dish and forced Wei, Lord of the Mountains, to drink. Bai Deng’s appointment as the Righteous Water God of the Iron Talisman River made Wei his superior, and thus being friendly with him was a good thing.

Wei Bo was surprised, but sat down. The youth gave their regards to Wei, but could not match his taciturn brother.

As there was not enough room to seat everyone, Chen Ping’an took Liu Xianyang and Gu Can down the mountain. After they chatted, they returned to the north. Chen Ping’an entered the gate to find the two door guards squatting under the eaves, eating a bowl of cabbage and tofu.

Xianwei asked the Mountain Lord if he had eaten yet. Chen replied that he had cooked the food himself, but there were too many people!

The two felt bad.

Therefore, Chen took a stool and a bowl.

Chen said that next time they would eat fish and tofu, as he had done previously. Xianwei and Dafeng exchanged glances. Chen asked that they not be polite.

Then, Chen revealed that Pei had purchased a mountain named Foyaolou.

And Cui Dongshan had bought Jumping Fish Mountain.

Xianwei, distracted, just wanted to know what kind of fish he would cook.

Chen said that he wanted to discuss the mountain ownership.

Zheng Dafeng nodded, that ownership must be clear. Air must be brought to the home.

The land was now owned by Chen. It was not decided who had rights to occupy them.

Baolu Mountain, Cloud Peak, Immortal Grass Mountain, Garfish Back Mountain, Pearl Mountain, Cow Horn Mountain, Yellow Lake Mountain

Grey Mountain, Vermillion Sand Mountain, Luxuriant Cloud Peak, Worship Sword Terrace, Incense Fire Mountain, Distant Curtain Peak, Reading Slope Mountain

Adding the additional mountains gave them sixteen! There were only 62 in the Western Mountain Range. Longquan Sword Sect had moved seven out. Therefore, Fallen Phoenix had almost half!

Zheng Dafeng said that Zhou was attempting to buy more mountains. He was pursuing Immortal Capital Mountain. He seemed down. It was probably because Little Mo had arrived.

Zheng Dafeng laughed and added, “The fickle heart is not a good thing!”

Chen hesitated, then said to tell Jiang Shangzhen to stop buying mountains.

Zheng Dafeng asked, “Less than half?”

Chen nodded, wanting to give them time to grow.

Zheng Dafeng agreed.

Garfish Back Mountain was given to Liu Chongrun and Pearl Hair Island. Cow Horn Mountain was a ferry crossing. The Pearl Mountain nearest to town was too small.

Yellow Lake Mountain had been the abode of the Water Dragon, Hong. Hong had wanted to give the mountain to Yunzi, but Yunzi stayed on Grey Mountain instead. Chen Lingjun said that Yunzi seemed clumsy, but was actually smart. Grey Mountain was a very large mountain.

Chen gave Distant Curtain Peak to Li Baoping. The scenery there was good. Lü Dongbin had written a poem there!

Reading Slope Mountain was to be given to Lin Shouyi and Li Huai.

Worship Sword Terrace was for sword cultivators. Luckily, Guo Zhujiu came to live there so that Nalan Yudie and Yao Xiaoyan would stay, for the mountain was isolated! Worship Sword Terrace had been loud previously, but had fallen silent. Now Chen Ping’an did not want Cui Dongshan to lose it.

Chen had brought back nine sword youths from Sword Qi Great Wall. Yu Qingzhang and He Xiangting were taken as disciples by Yu Yue, and no longer belonged to Fallen Phoenix Mountain.

Bai Xuan and Sun Chunwang stayed at Dense Snow Peak to practice swordsmanship.

The rest had been recruited by the Green Lotus Sword Sect to practice in Tongye Continent.

Nalan Yudie’s master was Zhang Ming, an administrator, who had been a warden at Sword Qi Great Wall.

Nuan Shu could have taken Incense Fire Mountain, but preferred to remain in Fallen Phoenix Mountain.

Jiang Qu would have taken Baolu Mountain, had he not been Cui Dongshan’s disciple.

Zheng Dafeng asked, “Are you in a hurry?”

Chen replied that he was going to work on his flying sword, and then he would travel.

Xianwei ignored the conversation.

Chen asked, “Xianwei Daoist, which mountain do you want?”

Xianwei shook his head, not daring to speak out.

Which was not the same thing as “not wanting.”

Zheng Dafeng said that Xianwei Daoist wanted Incense Fire Mountain.

Chen feigned surprise.

Xianwei was embarrassed.

Chen said that Xianwei was a teacher, and needed a mountain home!

Xianwei’s eyes lit up. This was good fortune!

The Daoist pretended to protest, and added, “If you want to pick someone, I will protect the gate even better!”

The Daoist said, “Would there be objections? You may look bad, Mountain Lord!”


At the ancestral temple, the Mountain Lord had no opposition!

If Xianwei could be honest, he would shoot off fireworks in celebration!

Zheng coughed, a reminder that they must act carefully.

Xianwei hastily added that if Chen truly wanted it, then he would agree.

Chen laughed.

Zheng nodded.

Chen then sighed, asking if Zhu Lian could hurry back to Fallen Phoenix Mountain.

Xianwei grinned, knowing that it was undeserved.

A mountain of his own! He would never have dared to dream of such a thing.

The only exception were those who belonged to the Mountain. If you were a good monk, you could have a mountain!

He could imagine those who had never been to the Night Banquet and the gifts that had been offered.

He thought about the women of the Night Banquet.

He thought about the Temple of Literature celebration.

Of the ones who had personally arrived, were Yu Xuan and Jing Hao. The ones who had offered were Lu Chen and Xie Shi.

Thus, the strength and power was greater on the Yun Wei Mountain.

Wei Bo, in white robes, received the scroll with deep respect.

With respect, he turned, and the scroll said “Night Traveler.” It flashed with light.

The master taught them, and added Wei’s new title.

The master and the others could not stay, but had to return to Zhongdu.

They met in the water, The Master smiled and told them to relax.

To the west, the monk was teaching.

The youth came to the gate to the monastery to study.

The doorkeeper tried to teach him, but was not qualified.

The next day, the monk picked up the scroll again.

The monk was happy!

In the lakes in the west, the mountains had a good day!

In the village, Cui Cheng left a book box with Nuan Shu to keep safe. They must not mention this to others.

On another day, those at the peak would attend a meeting.

They awaited a leader.

Another book keeper had found a home in the family!

The Old Writer was there.

Those who could sit were Qian, Li Baoping, the others, and Cao, Ning.

Because the monks were followers of the Mountain, but not of the old line.

There was no noise as the others did what they did.

The Old Writer hit Chen’s arm and told him that the Mountain was tired.

Chen thanked him. The Old Writer turned and asked that they all leave something behind.

Chen agreed. Therefore, the students and the others had to leave.

But there were three additional chairs!

Chen was replaced!

Jun Qian also rose.

Cui Dongshan replaced the other positions.

Junior Chen and his brothers, Cui Chanzong and his brothers, sat next to the rest.

The youth did not wish to sit next to his teacher!

Cui Dongshan said that he, Baoping and the rest would stand behind them.

The Old Writer asked that Chen and the others leave!

Just as the book keeper was about to speak, Chen called out.

The youth did not move, but was eventually pushed to the master.

Chen said that he was able to stand here.

This must be love!

He was able to straighten his back and tighten his lips!

Chen smiled and embraced the youth’s shoulders.

Back to the novel Sword Of Coming [Translation]


Chapter 638: Variant Nascent Soul.

Renegade Immortal - February 20, 2025

Chapter 1070: A Painting in the Mountains

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 20, 2025

Chapter 1069: A Foreign Land, A Hometown, Wine Country, Heart’s Desire.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 20, 2025

Chapter 637: Wealth and fortune are sought in danger, and the path to enlightenment is found in adversity.

Renegade Immortal - February 20, 2025

Chapter 1068: Always Use Actions to Comfort People.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 20, 2025

Chapter 636: Archaic Thunder Dragon

Renegade Immortal - February 20, 2025