Chapter 885: Everyone in the world knew. | Sword Of Coming [Translation]

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - Updated on February 18, 2025

From the riverside crossing, a bountiful discovery awaited, for the resourceful Pei Qian unearthed amongst the discarded tomes a trove of Imperial Examination Scrolls, true *Wei Mo* relics, veritable lone treasures. Gathered within were the final essays of nearly a hundred *Zhuang Yuan*, each stroke imbued with destiny. Upon each scholar’s paper shone the vivid vermillion marks of Emperors, bestowing the title “First Scholar of the First Rank.” Beyond the essays themselves, the scrolls bore the titles and names of the Examiners, those officials who had sat in judgment. Though the Dragon Qi of Emperors was faint and faded, the aura of scholarship remained potent.

Truly, a treasure had been gleaned.

Chen Ping An perused several scrolls, both ancient and newly penned, easily memorizing the ranks and names of those long-gone officials.

Beside the stall, a gaunt old scholar, clothed in a simple *Ru Shan*, stood spellbound, awed by Chen Ping An’s good fortune. After a hesitant pause, the scholar inquired whether Chen Ping An might consider selling the scrolls.

Chen Ping An shook his head with a smile. “Honored elder, I fear I cannot.”

The scholar laughed, resigned. “A gentleman does not steal another’s delight. I was presumptuous.” Besides, his coin pouch was near empty. He had merely sought solace at this mountain crossing, hardly in a position to bargain with these masters of the mountains. He carried only three Divine Coins—Snowflake, Small Heat, Grain Rain—gifts from the new Emperor, meant as precious heirlooms.

Within Xiao Mo’s mind echoed a subtle whisper: “Young Master, the old gentleman seemed particularly interested in the recent scrolls. I sensed great turbulence in his heart as he beheld certain names.”

Chen Ping An mused, “The elder bears the aura of both officialdom and the battlefield. Perhaps he recognized his own name, or those of his comrades, amongst the candidates.”

Then, his eyes fell upon a pair of *Ao Long* seals, each with an inscription, untouched by any artist’s hand. Immediately, Chen Ping An felt a strong connection to the seals.

“Contentment. Lack of Knowledge.”

Lacking the weight of precious metals and bearing no renowned signature, they would surely be offered at a modest price. However, they were not for sale alone, but offered only as an inducement, to those willing to purchase a more substantial item.

As fate would have it, Chen Ping An’s gaze had already settled upon a *Zi Sha* “Stone Ladle” teapot, etched with the words, “The Azure Bird’s home in the Clouds, the Dragon’s World beneath the Sea.” He intended to acquire it, as a gift for another.

The stallkeeper’s price: thirty Snowflake Coins. In the realm of Tong Ye Continent, any object touched by spiritual energy, embellished with tales of immortal abodes, commanded exorbitant prices. The competition to hoard such items was ceaseless.

Though he suspected the price was inflated, he relented, thinking, “I am on my own crossing; let me make an exception for the sake of the store.”

As Chen Ping An reached for the teapot, a sudden shove jostled him aside. A burly figure seized the Stone Ladle, bellowing at the stallkeeper, “Name your price!”

Unruffled, Chen Ping An allowed the man to purchase the teapot. He turned his attention to a jade bangle of three colors, representing fortune, prosperity, and longevity, priced at ten Snowflake Coins.

But a friend of the burly man reached out, attempting to claim it. Chen Ping An gently raised his elbow, lifting the man’s wrist. “Must you purchase in such a manner?” Indeed, Chen Ping An had discerned a clue: a novice *Qing Wu* practitioner amongst them, secretly manipulating a crudely crafted Divining Compass, seeking to pinpoint the source of flowing wealth. Due to the presence of a certain Keeper of Laws at the Falling Star Mountain, Chen Ping An now bore a touch of good fortune. The *Qing Wu* master had mistakenly concluded that anything Chen Ping An chose would yield a profitable return. This was a common tactic amongst antiquarians in the lower realms.

Yet this bangle, Chen Ping An would not relinquish. He already knew to whom it was destined.

The amateur *Qing Wu* practitioner spoke up, his voice a warning. “Young brother, I advise you to reconsider. Even celestial beings must tread cautiously, for mountains rise high, waters run deep, and winds blow fierce.”

Beside the *Dong Fu* realm immortal stood a powerfully built warrior, clad in a blade and bearing an ancient official badge.

“If we restrict their powers to the Fourth Realm,” Pei Qian whispered to her Master, using secret speech, “he would be a Grandmaster of the Mountain Peak. These men are offerings from the Great Xia Dynasty of the South. But the Dynasty now crumbles. Three Emperors now vie for power, each dispatching agents to gather wealth. Their methods are the same. However, the old badges cannot distinguish which master they serve…”

Suddenly, Pei Qian struck out, when one of them dared reach for her waist. Her elbow slammed into the offender’s face, sending him flying from the stall.

“Beware! A demon!” The *Qing Wu* practitioner shouted.

The stallkeeper, pale with fright, recalled the Tong Ye Continent’s history of chaos and suffering at the hands of demons. He cried towards the opening, “Send word to Lingbi Mountain!”

“In times past, ancestral graves were marked by white butterflies formed from the ashes of paper offerings. Now, foxes and rabbits claim those resting places. Where once families gathered, only countless new ghosts weep for the old.”

Heeding the *Qing Wu* practitioner’s whispered advice, the burly man, who had seized the teapot, roared, tearing open his garment. Upon his torso, the tattoos of an over-the-shoulder Dragon and a Descending Tiger writhed.

The old scholar within the stall spoke, his voice grave. “Such jests are not to be made lightly.”

Pei Qian turned to her Master. Chen Ping An nodded, signaling to do as she wished.

And so, the emissaries of the fallen Great Xia Dynasty found themselves lying together outside the shop.

Chen Ping An slipped the jade bangle into his sleeve, then took up the pair of seals. Finally, he placed ten Snowflake Coins upon the counter, turning to the old scholar with a bow. “I thank you.”

The scholar smiled. “It was nothing.”

Then, his words took on a deeper meaning. “Should the masters of Lingbi Mountain arrive, I will do what I can to explain the situation. Whether they will accept my words depends on their judgment.” The veiled meaning: should your lineage possess sufficient renown, the matter may be resolved with ease. Otherwise, these affairs could become dangerously complicated. To be branded a demonic cultivator by a Royal Alchemist, and given that Lingbi Mountain would be unable to bear such weight, a dispute may ensue, and the Great Fu Academy would send one of their Sages to investigate. Of course, should the scholars from Lingbi be lying, they shall face dire consequences.

A younger attendant by the old scholar’s side, wanting to speak out, was worrying about his lord causing unnecessary troubles.

Lingbi Mountain’s Ancestral Hall, upon receiving the news, dared not delay. An old Golden Core master, accompanied by two Dragon Gate elders, descended with haste. They stood before the stall, greatly disturbed.

After the old man announced his name, Xiao Mo said in Chen Ping An’s mind, “Young Master, your premonition was correct.”

For this old tutor, who had served his country, was indeed one of the candidates whose works were gathered within the scrolls, holding the lengthy title of Junior Guardian, Imperial Preceptor, Minister of Rites, Grand Scholar of the Hall of Literary Glory. He was a scholar of the purest lineage, with students filling the court. However, rather than fleeing with the former Emperor, he had remained within his homeland, standing fast amidst the turmoil. In recent years, he had guarded the borders against the incursions of the fallen Great Xia Dynasty and neighboring kingdoms. Now, he had retired to his homeland, seeking to appreciate the wonders of the mountains.

The masters of Lingbi Mountain clearly recognized the elder. Still, they dared not relax their vigilance. If they failed to identify a demon, the Great Fu Academy would shutter the doors of Lingbi Mountain for a century.

Chen Ping An spoke directly to the point, “We are from the Immortal Capital Mountain.”

The Golden Core elder of Lingbi Mountain asked carefully, “Are you of Master Cui’s lineage?”

This generous white-robed youth, the hidden master of the Crossing, had visited Lingbi Mountain, claiming to be of the Azure Peak of Immortal Capital Mountain, bearing the name Cui.

Chen Ping An smiled and nodded.

How could a great flood wash away the Dragon King’s Temple! Lingbi Mountain’s three ancestral masters were struck with awkwardness.

Without lingering, Chen Ping An told the three to not worry, and that they should pass on news to the Great Fu Academy.

Chen Ping An retrieved the stack of examination scrolls, offering them to the elder. “Honored elder, you spoke true. A gentleman does not steal another’s delight.”

The elder accepted the scrolls with gusto, laughing. “Might I inquire, Immortal Master, the price?”

Chen Ping An waved his hand. “A thousand gold pieces cannot buy a few words of justice.”

The elder nodded, smiling. “Then I shall not stand on ceremony, Immortal Master.”

Leaving the stall, as they walked along the riverbank, Chen Ping An turned to Cao Qing Lang, asking with a smile, “What troubles your mind?”

Cao Qing Lang replied, “This student now understands. When acting as a fellow scholar, as he did with the Jishan Prefecture Magistrate, the master would test, for that was related to his own affairs. However, here at Lingbi Mountain, the Master intentionally revealed his identity early on, to show the kind of man he was. Otherwise, these people may very well act in any manner of ways. But the Master did no such thing. Clearly, as agreed, the Master has left all matters of the lower Sect to the care of my younger brother.”

The attendant spoke, “Lord, their origins run deep, to be allowed to depart so easily by Lingbi Mountain.”

The elder smiled, murmuring only, “A flavor of the Hanlin Academy.”

Having served as the Minister of Rites for many years, overseeing countless examinations, all of court spoke of his virtue, like a peach tree, so he need not speak, as those below it naturally find shade. On the official circuit, he was seen as one whose disciples were spread far and wide.

And now?

The elder remained. But those peach trees, so many young men, spirited, brimming with life, shining with talent, were now truly unable to speak.

At a place of scenic beauty, they passed a temple nestled at the foot of a mountain, outside the city walls. The party entered the temple to burn incense.

Within the temple hung a plaque: “Seek not outwards.” In the main hall hung another plaque, “Attain Great Freedom.”

As some pilgrims entered, others departed. Typically, a temple would sequester itself, awaiting the summer thaw before permitting further travel. Wandering monks, upon reaching a temple, would offer prayers in the main hall, gleaning from the statue of Wei Tuo whether the temple were one open to all or one only offering food and lodging. Within this temple, Wei Tuo stood with his left hand raised and his right hand holding a demon-subduing staff before his chest, signifying a status that was somewhere between openness and closedness. Traveling monks may remain here for three days, but not settle permanently.

Such customs of the Buddhist faith required no prompting from the abbot.

After passing the Hall of Heavenly Kings, Chen Ping An and Cao Qing Lang each took three sticks of incense before the main hall, placing them in the censer.

However, the student held the incense with his left hand, while the master held it with his right.

Only Pei Qian, after offering incense before the hall, entered to kneel and pray.

Xiao Mo offered no incense, gazing at the Buddha within.

Ordinary men see the Buddha but understand not, and then build statues to see them.

But this young man, with yellow cap and green shirt, had seen the true Buddha.

Passing beyond the Great Hall, they ascended the stairs to the left, passing the Hall of the Medicine Buddha, before returning to the main entrance via the scripture library.

Abruptly, a storm began. Chen Ping An stood beneath the roof, awaiting its end, as the rain looked as if it would not last long.

For a long time, a woman was kneeling on the outside.

Within the Temple a mid aged monk was crying on his knees.

Cao Qing Lang wanted to take an oil paper umbrella and go to that women and child.

Chen Ping An shook his head.

After the woman stood up, Chen Ping An called Pei Qian and asked her to go. One person holding the umbrella.

The women with warmth smile on her face, taking her child thanking her.

As winter came, the lands of Tong Ye Continent were battered. By the time of Small Snow, a blizzard had settled upon the central regions.

The frost called forth ice plants, which carved out subterranean vaults to store ice, to be retrieved in summer.

Within the borders of the fallen Great Xia Dynasty, two columns of cavalry clashed, brothers warring against brothers. Behind the army, a young man, clad in ornate armor, begged an old Viewsea Realm Immortal to intervene, in order to shift the tide of the war. He spoke of the Immortal’s heavenly powers being able to easily win a war, a single man standing against an army, and the importance of establishing merit. The old immortal grudgingly obliged. He rose into the sky, bringing forth two soul-bound objects, both with dazzling light. Using heavenly magic, the battle turned with ease. About to use his final skill, a set of arrows came forward, breaking his defense treasures. An archer drew, taking the immortal’s life.

Outside of the war a child and a few others were watching.

Pei Qian, beholding this scene, said, “A cultivator who descends to the battlefield may find it easy to reap rewards. But to shift the course of a war through one’s own power, to slaughter warriors with impunity, is not to be done twice.”

Cao Qing Lang nodded.

Chen Ping An’s expression remained unchanged.

Xiao Mo, in truth, was not paying attention.

As snow fell, a few white plum trees stood alongside an ancient bridge, pure in their beauty.

At one end of the bridge stood an old scholar, guiding a group of students on a journey. In truth, he was an old *Dong Fu* cultivator, expounding to his disciples upon the ephemeral truths of immortality. He spoke of the importance of friends, wealth, and lands. He spoke of the immortals, who could live a thousand years, their bodies light and soaring, crossing rivers and seas, calming mountains.

This tale filled the hearts of the novices with wonder. The old cultivator brushed the snow from the bridge railing, laughing, “The path to immortality is filled with many techniques, which all may seek. But the path of the Swordsman is different. The master must seek out a disciple. There is a higher entrance to the world, one where teachings would rather be lost than given.”

A young boy nodded. “No wonder there are so few swordsmen.”

A girl spoke. “Do not speak.” The old man pushed the snow from the bridge, laughing, “From long ago, one was said to not rely on weapons. It’s better to be a heart is what he meant. If one wishes to destroy their enemies, the sword will.” They all listened with glee. Except for one person, a kid said “Hey master, there was a master a mountain friend of yours. I’ve been asking them what they were doing, he sent out a newspaper with a small town with nothing but swords. Why aren’t there disciples coming out?”

The old cultivator laughed in his heart. “Why did I take you under me.”

The old man also wants to know about the town as well.

At the other side of the bridge stood a group.

The old monk looked at them. There was one person there holding a ball. They all looked rather young.

The kid spoke softly “Master use your magic to see if any of them are swordsmen.”

The master laughed “Why don’t you go see?”

The groups passed each other on the bridge.

The master nodded and so did the man with swords.

The kid said”There were no swords. They were too loud walking.”

The teacher didn’t care and went back to speak about the mountain. It was all a story.

In the country of Da Quan after the snow it was an amazing sight.

A group of travelers were going to drop their papers off.

Cao Mo and Zheng Qing.

As for Cao Qing Lang and Xiao Mo they were both from the Da Li country.

After his sect was built Cao Qing Lang was going to get a new place in the country.

After leaving the city Xiao Mo said “Young Master, isn’t it weird for a girl to become emperor?”

There were a few people that did though.

The emperor was Yao Jin Zhi.

Chen Ping An nodded “It is strange.” Chen Ping An spoke. “The head of the country Liu Zong used to be from your hometown. I last saw him with the person that was stopping him to becoming even more powerful.”

Pei Qian felt it.

Cao Qing Lang looked at her.

She was with rice saying all of the stories that happened to him.

Pei Qing looked at them.

The group found a place to rest in an area that was quiet. All boats and ports had their own places to show. Showing the relationship to the boats.

The place was named after peach leaves.

That’s where all women want to go and to be there.

Going through the door was a wall, about 3 people tall and had things that looked like they were going to come out.

Chen Ping An stopped and looked at it. Thinking that the hotels should do this stuff.

They all sat down and started to talk.

As for Cao Qing Lang he was drinking tea.

It was about small things that would take up a lot of pages. That’s the power of an emperor.

There used to be something on both sides of the country. But now there was only one side.

Each paper was different and no one seemed to like Jiang Shang Zhen.

There was the Qing hu pill and little Dragon.

There were a few other places that were searching for different people. Different empires doing different things.

There was the one about the falling star mountain.

Xiao Mo grabbed a paper “This place named Tong Ye Mountain, seems to be a mess. A very cruel ending. ” Chen Ping An smiled” When someone is nice or someone is being beat up there is always someone there to watch. ”

Xiao Mo nodded, “Although, I don’t know you chief it seems that way. ”

Around the mountain people were starting to say things about chief’s name. Chen Ping An couldn’t hold it and said, “The Chief is going to get annoyed, It’s fine because he likes to use money.”

Chen Ping An was looking for things about the Da Quan Dynasty.

It was about how the emperor had lost his knife. They went and started doing all of the things, and it just scared everyone.

The thing about it was that the knife was from the past. That’s when the trouble started, because people started to try and guess the emperor’s thoughts. The person from the past took the knife and killed the emperor from that time. Chen Ping An last saw the sword. The wooden blade covered in gems. The city governor was the one that told the emperor. Even the emperor was scared. Xiao Mo said “If you can draw out that blade then maybe, I can search where the knife is. Then return to the governor anonymously.”

Pei Qian smiled.

Cao Qing Lang put the paper down. “There is a chance that that’s what the emperor wants. If this was done by another emperor than things would be really bad. People were starting to say things like there was a blade that made the water bad.

Unlike Pei Qian she would tell Cao to stop. But Cao still treated Xiao like a boss.

Xiao Mo smiled, holding the wine drinking it all.

Chen Ping An said” Let’s go to the place right now, let’s ask Qing Lang to go see the town.

Chen Ping An was worried for his mentor.

The old scholar was helping him.

Xiao Mo mentioned. “The lord is going to be at the door soon. ”

Chen Ping An stood and said” Let’s go after we have seen him. ”

At the door was a clean Yao Xian Zhi. The mayor was a bit tired though. But had a bright fire on his face.

Going out together Chen Ping An told Yao about the pills and how they worked.

The emperor needs to participate.

Yao didn’t like it though. The monk wasn’t there.

Chen Ping An nodded” They can only do this if they feel like it.”

Last time Yao helped him through a hard time. He wasn’t going to do what he used to do.

The emperor liked buddha, when the monk came a dream came, there were many books to find.

At the beginning of the year, there was a ceremony where the books were read, so buddha became a great thing.

Yao asked, “When are you making the sect? What’s the day? Can I go? “

Chen Ping An smiled,” On the first day of next year. “

Yao was scared.

The emperor was unable to make it.

Last time, the emperor could’ve, but they both passed each other.

Chen Ping An and Yao were in a car together.

Xiao Mo was with the person.

Yao tried, “Why not stay at my place?”

Chen Ping An explained, “After we give the pills, and have confirmed that Yao is fine, we will go to the mountain.”

Yao asked,” You are busy?”

Chen Ping An smiled, “On the first day, I have to make a sect. So I am pretty busy.”

There was a hard look on Yao’s face.

After he was healed with everything they all left.

The two sat on the bed, chen looking at his hand. Turned and told Yao, “Do not worry, Yao will wake up soon. Even if you are busy you still have to take him around and see things.”

Yao fist pumped in a good mood.

Chen Yao went outside.

Xiao was at the door.

Chen Ping An Yao said” Get back to work. I will be here waiting.”

Yao said “what the hell are you talking about,” these days were so unsafe.

Chen Ping An ate lunch and asked them to help go next store.

The old man was in good spirts, and he asked “Yao did you tell them?”

Yao shook his head “Not yet.”

Yao tried. “Am I giving a message?”

The old man was going to let them know how the city was doing.

Chen Ping An was let go. Chen had to make some food before he left. He needed to be fed.

They said that they were leaving. Chen was asked to stay for food next time. He agreed to the request.

Yao told Chen that night and said there were a lot of problems.

That time was the best and now it was going to happen again.

Yao then went to the palace. The palace was safe now.

Chen was going through a road. Chen had to go west to see the palace. There wasn’t a strong force there. The head of the place used to be a prince. Now he was not and had no one to talk to.

Liu was getting ready to sleep, he opened his door and it was Chen. Liu had a lot of head problems now.

A bad person going to his place. Chen said wow what are you doing here, he laughed, and said”Sorry I didn’t bring anything with me. “

Liu was biting his tongue. He had to stop now.

Both going together there Chen Ping An went to see his sons.

” Disciple Pei a master. ”

” Student Cao of the past. ”

Liu bowed and said” Is there anything better.

The amount of value again where there wasn’t that much.

There was one master and a lot of other things. There were only two masters here.

Liu said “Let’s go to the tea shop.” Chen didn’t like it too much. He didn’t want to cause trouble for people.

When he pushed open the door he felt shivers.

A thief coming to his door. Chen was going to hit him so he had to open the door.

Inside of the place was the same. There was the vase there and the ink. There were a few new chairs as well.

Chen looked over at the place, saying “A lot.”

The old vase. Chen used.

The most important person that wrote down the things that happened around the country.

His friends were selling it to everyone.

Chen asked him and said what’s up to do.

Back then all of them didn’t say anything.

Liu lit the candle and said” We need to talk.”

Chen took a seat. Chen had a smoke and said,” Do you mind?”

Liu said” You can. “

Liu remembered. What happened

Chen started putting some books. The books that Chen took. These books that Chen were putting were about the town.

From what liu was saying it was good to write. It was like a nice wife.

Chen had to bit. And stopped himself. He then stood up and started to write and read at the same time. There were a lot of problems and Yao was trying to fix them.

Liu nodded to Chen, and put all of the books into his hands.

Chen then took all of the books. Chen made it as if they were the original ones.

Liu couldn’t hold back. He was just going to kick him out, but he couldn’t beat him.

Chen then gave him the stick. ” I am sorry from before and have a stick.”

Chen was getting all of the smoke. There he found one.

Chen asked” What is this?”

Chen said” When am I going to see you?”

The thing of the palace to everyone here. It was to be able to heal everyone.

Chen asked “The officer?”

Liu shook his head said” It has been a while.”

Chen then touched one of the pens.

Liu inhaled.

The pens then went down and chen had to catch them.

Chen said that there was no more to do and said by to him. He then gave him a book.

It was the drawing of the planet in heaven.

The book was from the heaven and one person could keep it. Or they would be kicked out.

Liu caught it but was surprised that Chen was not playing around. After he put it away he took it out, and the first page and end page had something written down on it.

” Thinking a lot”

” Take a step back ”

Liu took the book. Opened the window.

Inside had lots of light.

Going back to the hotel it was time to rest.

Chen took two of the books out and started writing, talking about the story.

Xiao was reading the books as well.

Chen said that he had to go to the mountains to go find it.

Xiao nodded and stood up.

Chen used the cage to go back to the land.

The other people were fighting.

Chen fell.

Xiao said” Are we going to keep shrinking?

Chen nodded.

As they returned everything changed.

Taking out some of the bamboo books

Chen came back after seeing the monk. He said I am here and left. The people should have been sleeping but one came outside to see Chen.

Chen took out the book the empire was from.

They started to build.

There was a big river in the land.

There was an old woman there.

She had some weapons and wasn’t catching anything at all.

The fish was coming so close but not going to the hook. She got annoyed and threw it far away. Saying” You went too far!”

The goddess threw the hook away!

But there were people by the door. Ha, Chen was coming by.

There weren’t any new things here.

Recently whenever the water lord was eating she would look away from them and would not touch any of the fish.

She asked Chen, “Aren’t you going to bring your wife here?”

Chen said” Next time.”

The head ordered a cook to come now.

Pei said she didn’t want spice.

Chen followed with Pei.

Cao said” Just a bit of spice. “

Xiao nodded.

Liu said” Let’s come again.” She laughed saying” People wanted me to sell my wine. I made a plan and said it wasn’t that wine because it was new.”

Everyone was quite and didn’t say anything. The goddess did again.

Pei did and said” This is what they say in the story.”

Liu hit the table and said“ That’s right! “

Chen turned the other people and said” The amount doesn’t matter you can ask for a lot. “

Xiao nodded “I won’t. “

Chen looked and said “I am going to write about this time and say that I’m not coming again.

Chen has been going around. She went to go get the old man had was there when it was done.

They should be there.

Chen said that if he couldn’t see the emperor then she should tell him.

Liu heard the sect and said she was going to be there and bring her cook as well.

Chen said to his child to keep all of these people here, Liu wasn’t mad.

She told the kid to not say anything.

The water goddess and the emperor were talking about buildings by the water. They would teach other students as well.

Chen was going towards the mountain.

The empress was wearing a fox jacket. The minister gave her a book that was about the mountain.

It was a story that was amazing.

Because of these things it was too amazing and too dangerous.

A person on the wall, Chen did too much.

The emperor then touched the name.

Back to the novel Sword Of Coming [Translation]


Chapter 1030: Drunk, I Pick Up the Sword and Examine It Under the Lamp.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 608: . Immortal Realm Item .

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 1029: I apologize for not receiving you properly.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 1028: Heaven smiled upon them.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 607: Get down here!

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 1027: Each cultivates their own path.

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025