Chapter 909: . Why Only Sword Cultivators? . | Sword Of Coming [Translation]

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - Updated on February 19, 2025

The Great Xuan Capital Monastery nestled in a peach grove, where a clear stream, so shallow one could count the pebbles beneath, meandered through.

An old Daoist of towering stature and a young, stout fellow sat upon small stools, breeches rolled high, their bare feet dangling in the cool water. The elder sipped from a wine gourd, while the younger clutched a bounty of freshly plucked lotus seeds.

“Old Sun,” the stout one, Yan, began, “why did you lend your sword to Bai Ye? Liang always said a swordsman of our ilk needs a trusty longsword to reach for ten thousand leagues. Yet you gifted away a celestial blade! Now, I hear whispers from the Jade Capital, murmurs of disrespect towards you. They paint your connection to Xuan Capital Monastery as a withered branch leaning on an ancient tree. Enraging! When Dong the Talisman Weaver mentioned it, I nearly burst into flames, ready to storm the Jade Capital myself to restore your honor. Alas, my realm is too low. I fear I’d only disgrace Xuan Capital in a sword duel.”

The Monastery’s venerable abbot, the recognized leader of the Daoist sword-immortal lineage, was as adept with the sword as with Daoist arts. It was why he sat so firmly on the throne of “Fifth Under Heaven.”

Sun, the Daoist elder, scoffed. “Speak plainly, Yan. I have no taste for veiled words.”

Yan Zhuo hesitated. “I will speak plainly, then. But swear you’ll not hold it against me, Old Sun.”

The Daoists of Xuan Capital, from the aged to the young, from the lofty to the humble, feared no one under the azure sky, save only the abbot’s displeasure.

Seeing the plump youth still hesitant, the old Daoist chuckled, “Is a muffled fart somehow sweeter than a clear one, then?”

Yan Zhuo already regretted bringing it up, but with the arrow notched, he loosed it. He spilled all that Dong the Talisman Weaver had whispered, “The deities of the Jade Capital say that had you not lent your sword to Bai Ye, you’d have certainly reached the Fourteenth Realm. But then you would have had to face the Jade Capital’s Second Master, and surely been bested.”

“So you deliberately gifted the immortal blade ‘Tai Bai’ to Bai Ye, leaving it in the Mortal Realm, displaying the magnanimity of an elder, earning goodwill, and placing Bai Ye in your debt. Thus, the Mortal Realm gains a champion, and the Confucian Temple will be mindful of your virtuous deed. As you remain in the Ascending Realm, you need not cross blades with Dao the Second. And that truly invincible one, given his nature, will hardly bully one who remains merely ascending, leaving you unmolested. A triple or quadruple triumph, is it not?”

The old Daoist, listening to these “external rumors,” stroked his beard and roared with laughter, showing not a flicker of annoyance.

Yan Zhuo pressed on, “Old Sun, are you feigning a bold front to hide your fury? Don’t bother! We’re family here, rank be damned! If you are truly angered, don’t hold back. I was ready to fly into a rage at this slight against your name! I even agreed with Dong the Talisman Weaver that we would record all those insolent old deities, and when I ascend to the Ascending Realm, I’ll duel them, one by one, at the Jade Capital. Swear if you don’t believe me!”

The old Daoist shook his wine gourd. “Nonsense! You, Yan the Stout, have all your courage stored in your business acumen and that blubber of yours. With Xuan Capital’s warrant in hand, you’d likely not even dare approach the Jade Capital. Only young Daoist Chen could say such a thing and be believed.”

Yan Zhuo probed, “So it is true, then? You feared defeat by that truly invincible one?”

The old Daoist nodded. “Not defeat. Death.”

To reach the Fourteenth Realm meant a sword duel with Yu Dou, a clash not merely of skill, but of life and death.

Yan Zhuo was aghast.

The old Daoist chuckled. “But it is not death I fear, lest I depart without due weight, without cause worthy of such an end, burdened by a millennium of unshed grievances that I choke on, and depart only half-satisfied. I’d hang, like a restless spirit, neither touching the heavens nor standing on earth, no true upright man. My eyes would never close in peace! At first, I hadn’t considered such things. I stood with one foot upon the threshold, ready to take the next step, when one, at just the right moment, paid a visit to Xuan Capital and spoke with me. Only then did I journey to the Mortal Realm to clear my mind. As agreed, if I left with my sword and returned still bearing it, then I would make straight for the Jade Capital, and he would not hinder my duel with Yu Dou.”

Yan Zhuo asked, “Headmaster Lu?”

The old Daoist shook his head. “No, the elder brother of Lu the Third and Dao the Second, our revered Grand Headmaster of the Jade Capital.”

Yan Zhuo raised a thumb. “Old Sun, you are a man of renown.”

The old Daoist smiled faintly. “This is nothing. When I founded Xuan Capital Monastery, the Dao Ancestor himself graced the ceremony, though he hid his identity, loath to overshadow me. Still, he remained until the end, sharing a cup of wine before departing.”

Yan Zhuo frowned. “How is it that such a thing is not recorded in our Monastery’s annals?”

The old Daoist countered, “Should we declare that the Dao Ancestor graced our founding ceremony? Would we still have Xuan Capital Monastery as it is today? Why would the Dao Ancestor feel the need to participate in such a ceremony?”

Yan Zhuo rolled his eyes, utterly bewildered.

The old Daoist stroked his beard and chuckled, “The Grand Headmaster, when he visited Xuan Capital, did not immediately make that agreement. He counseled me not to be as impulsive as his Second Master, for if a battle truly erupted, it would be no mere personal quarrel. This was profoundly true. Xuan Capital’s incense would surely be extinguished, but the Jade Capital’s five cities and twelve towers would lose a few parcels of land. And if I shattered a few pieces of the Jade Capital, its Dao would be incomplete, like your Sword Qi Great Wall, broken in two, easy to suppress ordinary cultivators. But in the eyes of a select few, the Jade Capital would be as good as useless. And the Jade Capital’s reason of existence is to watch over this ‘select few’ who will defy the heavenly realms, who have been holding back for thousands of years. If Dao Ancestor ever falls, they may have to be confronted.”

Yan Zhuo inquired, “Had you not lent your sword to Bai Ye and returned to the Azure Sky to fight Dao the Second, would the Dao Ancestor not have intervened? Or, failing that, could not the Grand Headmaster, as the Dao Ancestor’s foremost disciple, have defended the Jade Capital?”

Daoist Sun scoffed, “Would the Dao Ancestor trouble himself with such trivial matters?”

“As for our Grand Headmaster, who has accumulated three thousand merits, his Daoist arts are second only to the Dao Ancestor. Indeed, there is no fabrication, unlike that so-called truly invincible Dao the Second. But the Grand Headmaster’s relationship to the Azure Sky is akin to that of the Sage of Rites to the Mortal Realm. Many matters are best left untouched, for action breeds greater conflict. Stir one, and the whole world trembles.”

Yan Zhuo listened for a long while, then murmured, “Good. With Old Sun here at Xuan Capital, we can cultivate in peace. I’d rather not move again.”

Chewing over these words, Yan Zhuo asked, “Yu, the Headmaster proclaimed the title of being truly invincible? That can’t be right.”

The old Daoist chuckled, “Just guessing. Is that against the law? If Dao the Second is petty and displeased, he may send a letter to our Monastery. I’ll immediately write back, proclaiming to all the lands that the title of “Truly Invincible” was most certainly *not* self-proclaimed by Headmaster Yu! Woe to those who doubt, who continue to murmur endlessly! I will visit them personally to demand satisfaction!”

Yan Zhuo laughed, “And embrace in reconciliation, becoming brothers in arms?”

The old Daoist raised his jade-green wine gourd, took a sip of the Monastery’s peach wine, shook it, finding it empty. He cast the gourd into the stream, watching it float away. “These years of cultivation at Xuan Capital were not wasted.”

The old Daoist mused, seemingly apropos of nothing, “That little lass of mine, paired with Bai Ye, would be a match made in heaven.”

One of the young hopefuls selected in bygone years, was none other than a female disciple of Xuan Capital, though she had journeyed to the Five-Hued Sky and reached the Jade Purity Realm.

Yan Zhuo lamented, “So there’s no hope for me?”

The old Daoist teased, “Don’t you have Sister Chunhui?”

Yan Zhuo waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t speak such nonsense! If Sister Chunhui heard that, she’d say nothing to you, but would forever be at odds with me, refusing to partner with me in business ever again!”

“Do you remember the old scholar who sat at our table this past autumn, sharing a vegetarian meal with me and Bai Ye?”

“Remember? How could I forget? A tall man, not a scholar at all, but a ruffian of sorts. Who was it? Surely not Yao Qing, the Prime Minister of the Azure Divinity Dynasty?”

“Yao Qing? That mongrel? Had he come to Xuan Capital, he’d not have been worthy of sitting with me and Bai Ye to share a meal. I’d sooner have Yao Qing cook our meal.”

Yan Zhuo was incredulous. Surely this was boasting. Yao Qing was one of the Ten of the Azure Sky! The person has to be someone important, someone who must be highly respected.

And whispers said that Yao Qing would soon follow Wu Shuangjiang of the Year-End Palace into the Fourteenth Realm.

Three immortals, sensing impending doom, had fled into exile. One, it was rumored, had even sought the protection of Headmaster Yu at the Jade Capital.

“That Yao Qing, in his youth, was a lazy, shiftless good-for-nothing, a petty gambler! Had I not passed through the Five Mounds in those days and given him alms, along with a bit of guidance, he’d not have amounted to anything. He’d be reincarnated countless times by now.”

“Then who was this old scholar?”

“With you, everything is a struggle! Just guess the biggest name you can.”

Yan Zhuo suddenly understood, pounding his chest in regret. “Why didn’t you tell me?! I’d have bowed before the old scholar! Even a simple greeting would have imparted literary fortune. Passing your Azure Sky warrants would have been a breeze! I must have that table and stool the old gentleman used moved to my room, to be properly venerated! Name your price, Old Sun!”

Yan Zhuo then paused, and wondered to himself, “You must be fooling with me, right?”

A boy wearing a tiger hat walked by the stream.

The old Daoist immediately waved, “Brother Bai Ye, come and be a witness.”

Bai Ye nodded. “It was indeed the Most Holy Teacher.”

The old Daoist smiled faintly. “Yan the Stout, remember not to complain about our Monastery’s vegetarian fare any longer. The Most Holy Teacher himself deemed it ‘befitting the name.'”

Bai Ye hesitated.

The old Daoist gave him a sharp look, and Bai Ye said nothing.

Before coming to the Azure Sky, Bai Ye had accompanied the old scholar atop Mount Sui, and there met the Most Holy Teacher.

As Bai Ye was to cultivate and train his sword at Xuan Capital Monastery, the old scholar had mentioned the Monastery’s vegetarian meals to the Most Holy Teacher.

The old scholar remarked that the meals were rumored to be poor. The Most Holy Teacher had replied, “I’ve heard it said. They are indeed ordinary.”

So when the Most Holy Teacher tasted the meals at the Monastery and declared them “befitting the name,” it was merely a polite phrase for a guest.

The old Daoist smiled and asked, “Did you visit the Bright Moon with Jun Qian?”

Bai Ye nodded.

The old Daoist said, “Viewing the moon from a reclining pine is not as fair as reclining upon the moon to view the pine. One gazes up, the other down. The scenery differs greatly.”

Bai Ye replied, “It is not difficult for the abbot to visit.”

The old Daoist waved. “I dare not say such things. The invincible one lies in wait there, blocking the path. I am old and my eyes grow dim. I might accidentally step on Dao the Second’s face. An unintentional slight, easily excused with an apology. But to step on his crotch? That would be too unseemly.”

Bai Ye, who had intended to sit by the stream and chat with the old abbot, continued his stroll at these words.

Yan Zhuo, having consumed a pouch of lotus seeds, raised his feet from the stream and asked, “Old Sun, could it be that you have already attained enlightenment?”

“The world believes that enlightenment is achieved through detachment. But Dao is both impartial and filled with emotion. To be born human is to feel.”

Daoist Sun did not answer directly, but smiled. “The grievances of the past generation are not for you younger ones to ponder. Your thoughts would be futile. Simply cultivate diligently, each striving to reach the summit.”

The old Daoist rose. “As one ages, thoughts of what comes after grow.”

Indeed, a scholar from the Southern Bosom Continent had said something similar. His only listener had been a wandering scholar named Liu Xianyang.

Yet the old abbot chuckled, “But I speak of the Dao Ancestor. I am still young! My daily thoughts are only of striving to eat more!”

Before departing, the old Daoist said to the stout youth, “Ponder this: why is there only sword cultivation? Understand this, and you will break through your current realm.”

A wind-powered ferry had crossed the sea to the Isle of Tongye, pausing briefly at the Azure Tiger Palace’s immortal ferry port before continuing south towards Immortal Capital Mountain.

Sun Chunwang, taking a break from sword practice, hesitated, then left her room, intending to sit with Chai Wu. She disliked the company of others, but Chai Wu rarely spoke, and unless he’s drinking he usually kept quiet. Sun Chunwang turned into a corridor, only to find a silent guardian standing outside Chai Wu’s door. She understood: Chai Wu was in seclusion, not to be disturbed.

Millet crept towards Sun Chunwang, lifted a hand to calculate, and whispered, “Grass-and-wood still needs half an hour of cultivation. Can you wait?”

Sun Chunwang shook her head. “If I miss this, I must return to my room and resume sword training in two quarters of an hour.”

Millet admired her greatly, saying, “The two of you are frighteningly diligent in your cultivation.”

Sun Chunwang said, “You need not secretly guard my seclusion later.”

Millet scratched her face. “Oh.” Was she discovered?

Sun Chunwang, feeling a rare tinge of guilt, explained, “It’s not that I find it annoying.”

After a pause, the girl whose nickname was given by Bai Xuan had the nerve to tell the truth, “Actually, it is annoying. Knowing that you are standing guard outside keeps me from focusing. It disturbs my cultivation.”

Doing more harm than good, perhaps? Millet stamped her foot in vexation and apologized immediately, “I’m sorry! I promise it won’t happen again.”

Sun Chunwang summoned a rare smile and gave it to the girl, sincerely and carefully explaining, “It’s not that I find it annoying. It’s that knowing you’re guarding outside, knowing you’re doing it out of kindness, makes me want to say hello, to chat a bit. Otherwise, I’d rather you not guard. But I don’t want to break my focus halfway through. Going back and forth disrupts my sword training. Treat what I just said as nothing, and don’t take it to heart.”

“Mm-hm, mm-hm.”

Millet grinned, shaking her head fiercely, then patted her belly. “Good-Man Mountain Master says that when others share their true thoughts, you must remember them well, lest you forget. For the best true thoughts are not on the lips, but in the eyes. So the true thoughts that reach the ears are often unpleasant. If you always forget what the other said, even the kindest person will fall silent, forced to make sure that they do not get angry because they would be unheard.”

“Good-Man Mountain Master also drew a comparison, saying that those seemingly unpleasant true words are like Silent Lake Wine. At first, you might find it difficult to swallow, but with each sip, you realize that it’s the finest drink under heaven.”

“And those who seethe in silence are like wine that has gone bad. They cannot drink it themselves, and when they open the jar, no one wants to drink it either. Good-Man Mountain Master says the smell is of a bad emotion, which accumulates and goes unnoticed by all but is, in reality, the only thing everyone notices. As time passes, they pretend not to mind, but in reality everyone feels that one is carrying a huge burden for being angry, tired for bearing that burden, to the point no one even likes the good they put out in the world.”

Sun Chunwang listened silently to the black-clad girl’s ramblings.

Millet glanced at Sun Chunwang cautiously. “Am I annoying you again? I won’t say anymore, then.”

Sun Chunwang shook her head, and the girl, usually so expressionless, suddenly smiled brightly, winking at Millet.

Millet, ever so quick, understood instantly, grinning broadly, then quickly covering her mouth. She understood: true thoughts were in the eyes.

At that ceremony at Positive Sun Mountain, the one whose realm was unfathomable was likely this Right Protector, who showed only a Cave Realm.

Sun Chunwang said, “Lord-in-Hiding is good to you.”

She had heard from the well-informed Bai Xuan that Lord-in-Hiding was writing a record of landscapes, dedicated to Millet. He had even asked friends to help, but had been unsatisfied, so he decided to write it himself.

Millet did not understand, but just laughed. “Good-Man Mountain Master is good to everyone.”

Elsewhere on the ferry, Bai Xuan knocked and entered the room of his good brother, an acquaintance from five hundred years prior. He furtively took out a booklet and placed it on the table. It was not thick.

Bai Shou picked up the booklet, glanced at the list of names and affiliations, all of which were unknown to him, and asked, “What’s this for?”

Bai Xuan lowered his voice. “One day, we’ll find an opportunity to ambush Pei Qian. I’ll lure her out, then give a signal, a cup thrown to the floor! All our well-hidden heroes and warriors will charge forth. Pei Qian can’t possibly withstand so many at once. We’ll make her admit her wrongs, and that’ll be that. But if Pei Qian is stubborn, then I can’t be blamed for neglecting the ties of comradeship! She’ll surely get a sound beating. Bai Shou, do you want to add your name to this list, to join the grand effort?”

Bai Shou gasped. “Wouldn’t that be bad?”

If this list were to leak out, and be discovered by certain people, the consequences would be dire! No one would escape! One booklet, and everyone would be rounded up.

The more Bai Shou thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, utterly bewildered. “Do you even know what her realm is?”

Bai Xuan nodded. “Of course! Know your enemy, and you’ll win every battle. How could I not know Pei Qian’s realm?”

Seeing Bai Shou hesitate, clearly a coward, Bai Xuan shook his head and put away the booklet. “Never mind. I never imagined we could be friends.”

Bai Shou asked, “Has Millet seen this booklet?”

Bai Xuan scoffed. “Do you take me for a fool?”

Everyone knew that Millet and Pei Qian were of one mind, both from that legendary Lost Mountain Bamboo Building lineage. The threshold was so high that, outside of Lost Mountain, only a woman named Li Baoping and a man called Li Huai belonged to this lineage. Bai Xuan had managed to unearth that tidbit of information by questioning the Right Protector several times in a roundabout way, hoping to catch her unawares.

Seeing that Bai Shou seemed somewhat tempted, Bai Xuan tried to persuade him. “We’re not going to ambush Pei Qian right away. Think about this: why is the Tenth Realm of Martial Arts also called the Stopping Realm?”

Bai Shou mistakenly believed that Chen Pingan had revealed some secret to Bai Xuan, and asked, “Why?”

Bai Xuan was stunned. This fellow truly was an idiot! Never mind, better not take him as an ally; he’d only hold him back.

Bai Shou was displeased. “Don’t leave me hanging! Tell me! If it makes sense, I’ll write my name on the list, even sign it in blood.”

“The Stopping Realm, of course, is a realm where all martial arts are brought to a stop,” Bai Xuan explained patiently to Bai Shou.

“Pei Qian’s talent is somewhat decent, but her martial realm is only so high. Won’t she be stuck at the Stopping Realm? Doesn’t that mean we’ll be able to catch up to her? Isn’t that logical? A gentleman takes revenge ten years late. If we can’t succeed in the short term, we can endure a little longer. Ten years not enough? Then twenty or thirty! With my talent for practicing martial arts, not to mention the Stopping Realm, reaching the Mountain Summit Realm will surely be effortless. Rest assured, when that day comes, I, as the leader, will definitely take the lead and challenge Pei Qian! You, Bai Shou, are family, so you’ll be the deputy leader, responsible for blocking her escape if she tries to run. What do you say? Give me a straight answer.”

Bai Shou held his forehead, speechless. After a long silence, he muttered, “Let me think about it.”

Bai Xuan sighed, put the booklet away into his sleeve, picked up the teapot from the table with one hand, placed the other behind his back, kicked the door shut with his foot, and walked down the hallway, shaking his head. A boorish plan!

Next door, listening to Bai’s pipe dream, Mi Yu struggled to suppress his laughter and gave Liu Jinglong a thumbs-up, whispering, “You took in a good disciple. No wonder he’s able to call the Lord-in-Hiding a brother.”

Liu Jinglong smiled. “Even earlier, Bai Shou had tried to assassinate Chen Pingan.”

Mi Yu smirked. “So he has such notable achievements! No wonder Pei Qian has taken an interest.”

“Sect Master Liu, can I ask you something?”

“You want to know why my name on the sect roster is Qi Jinglong, but I’m often called Liu Jinglong?”

Mi Yu nodded.

Liu Jinglong smiled. “Before joining the sect, I was indeed named Qi. But a few years after arriving at the Great Emblem Sword Sect, our Sect Master Han had a friend who said that I would face a great trial when I reached the age of one hundred, which to mountain folk is not a bad thing. The man said, ‘living to one-hundred is the best thing in life.’ But for a cultivator who aspires to longevity, that is nothing at all. That expert advised Sect Master Han that, to help Qi Jinglong pass this trial safely, I’d best change my surname. Otherwise, my destiny would clash with the Northern and Southern Rivers, and disaster would befall me if I ventured beyond the mountains and approached water. It sounded strange, because only the northern continent of the Mortal Realm has a major river; neither Treasure Bottle nor Tongye Isle have great rivers. But that expert spoke so earnestly, and such mountain matters are best taken seriously. Sect Master Han approached my master, who in turn found my parents. They agreed that though changing surnames was no small matter, it was necessary to ensure my safe cultivation. So, unbeknownst to me, they secretly changed my surname in the sect records, though no one outside the Great Emblem Sword Sect’s Ancestral Hall knew of it. Perhaps they feared I would become the subject of mockery. They also quietly erased my name from the family temple. As per the expert’s advice, after Liu Jinglong attained enlightenment, I could change my name and lineage back to my lineage and family heritage. When I learned of this, it was too late to change it back. So, within the Great Emblem Sword Sect, Qi Jinglong is like my true name, and Liu Jinglong is like my nickname. As the latter is more common, those outside the sect follow suit, unaware of the reason. Since the island’s opening to the sea, it was named Qi River.”

Here, Liu Jinglong wrote the characters for Qi and Liu on the table, smiling. “See how similar they are?”

Mi Yu exclaimed, “Your Mortal Realm has so many customs!”

Liu Jinglong said, “As for the expert who helped me change my name, my master and Sect Master Han never revealed his origins. I have two guesses. Either it was Zou Zi, or it was the Owed-Knife Man.”

Mi Yu wondered, “Owed-Knife Man? What does he do?”

Liu Jinglong smiled. “He lends money, then comes to collect the debt one day.”

Mi Yu said, “Like the moneylenders in town?”

Liu Jinglong nodded. “Strictly speaking, it’s not quite like that. On the contrary, what is required of the people he seeks is always less than what he originally puts in. This seems to be the creed established by the first Owed-Knife Man. It is said the debt is owed to the lineage of Mozi.”

Mi Yu thought to himself that people like that may be just an old folk legend. A myth, but not completely true. As if to prove his point Liu Jinglong smiled, “Most cultivators are eager to do business with the Owed-Knife Man, especially those who might perish from their mortal wounds. It’s because their life is a debt owed, and those with no debt fear death. They just hate that the Owed-Knife Men do not seek them out.”

The tale piqued Mi Yu’s interest. After taking a sip of wine Mi Yu thought aloud. “Chen Pingan told me to be as careful as possible, because he knows this world does not exist on kindness. I don’t care about owing debts, I am just not sure that I trust this world enough to seek debt. It’s not that I don’t want to repay, debt repayment is heaven’s law. I just fear that the method by which they ask for repayment will be something I cannot accept.”

Mi Yu thought of Sun Quan, a martial artist from the Jade Capital with a similar fate. But he, also, did not take the help he sought.

Mi Yu thought aloud, “With Sect Master Han’s temper, since he was willing to take on this matter for you, I believe he won’t screw you over.”

Liu Jinglong smiled and nodded.

Mi Yu recalled a North Lusory Island sword cultivator, and asked, “Do you have contact with Liu Xu of Mule Horse River?”

Liu Jinglong nodded. “After leaving the Sword Qi Great Wall, I often met with Liu Xu.”

He was a good man, flawless in every way, but his drinking habits left something to be desired.

Mi Yu teased, “I stayed at Colored Que House for quite a while. How is it that I never saw any mention of this Young Master Liu in any landscape gazettes?”

Liu Jinglong said, “It’s Mule Horse River’s family tradition: be pragmatic in your affairs, be honest in your dealings, and don’t seek attention.”

Mule Horse River of North Lusory Island was a major force, but not a sect. It had an unflattering name, but was an expert in business, already possessing the foundation of a sect. But it had never asked the Confucian Temple for a sect status. The Liu family of Mule Horse River had for generations been engaged in mountain-running and sea-running commerce. To give an example, Mule Horse River was the largest courier service on the island, and was known as reputable and reliable.

The land of north was known for its pure customs. Many cultivators often had the habit of agreeing to fight thousands of miles away. It might just be a false mirage, and then you’d become a part of one of the many folk tales to be told.

Since there was no sky, these folk legends would sometimes stretch across the earth, because some of them might find it difficult to comprehend such vast distances. One famous example being one the Northeast, which was separated from the continent of North. It was a famous war.

That time a travelling sword cultivator from the northern continent traveled across the sea. A magnificent scene that later became known as “the sword is like water in the sky.”

Since it was a long way, many of the sword cultivators with realms that were not very high took a private Mule Horse River ferry to the north. During the trip, all the expenses were taken care of by Mule Horse River, and not one single cultivator was allowed to pay for even the smallest thing.

The war itself might not have broke out, but the continent of North took the other continent’s territory as their own, but they still had an alliance.

After that the two lands were renamed as and north, and the war would forever be known as one of the most important events in their people’s history.

Liu Xu would often visit Liu Jinglong twice to visit the town.

Some say that life is a wine, some say that life is a cup, some say that life is too much.

Mi Yu had once wondered why Lord-in-Hiding had never done business with Mule Horse River, since Liu Xu was a regular at the tavern, and the Liu family was a leader in business in their town.

Liu Jinglong had to visit the other side of the world, or perhaps even the stars, and bring back all the glory and honor that would someday be called upon. But because the sword was also a part of him, it had always been a dream of Liu Jinglong to hold his sword.

With the help of Bai Xuan the local business expanded and created a new trading partner. He was able to do all of this and support his family and the city with wealth.

Liu Jinglong smiled before saying, “Bai Shou once asked me why there were only sword cultivators, but no knife cultivators or axe cultivators.”

Mi Yu blinked, then laughed, shaking his head. “I never even thought about that question.”

Liu Jinglong smiled, reaching out his hand. “Lend me your sword, Brother Mi.”

Mi Yu’s natal flying sword was named “Sky Filled with Haze.” These years, he wore a sword gourd called “Hao Liang,” a relic of his elder brother Mi Hu, originally intended for Lord-in-Hiding, who refused it and gifted it to Mi Yu instead. The sword was highly regarded because it was passed from brother to brother.

Mi Yu handed the sword to Liu Jinglong.

Liu Jinglong held the scabbard and slowly drew the sword. The sword’s light was as bright as an autumn rainbow, and the room was instantly as bright as day. Liu Jinglong gently stroked the sword with two fingers, then raised his fingers, tapping the sword’s body. The light rippled like water.

“In ancient times, spells rained upon the mortal world. All sentient beings, regardless of origin, had their own opportunities. The enlightened emerged like bamboo shoots after rain.”

Liu Jinglong slowly swept his sword horizontally. A layer of sword light condensed upon the tabletop, as if cleaving heaven and earth.

In that moment, Mi Yu looked around and saw the walls and roof disappear. The four walls around him had shifted into the edges of the universe.

“Thunder Arts, the Five Elements, the seventy-two types of talismans, the doctrines of the Hundred Schools, the worship of the sun and moon, the reception of starlight, the arts of geomancy and weather divination…”

As Liu Jinglong, in the way the world was said to be created from the gods of myth, used his spells to draw forth, upon the “earth” spread by that sword light, all sorts of magic and supernatural powers were born.

“And the first sword between heaven and earth was itself a manifestation of the great Dao.”

“Both sharp and symmetrical.”

Liu Jinglong stood, stretched out a hand, condensed a point of light from his fingertip, and lightly drew downwards, and a sword light fell straight down.

The sword light broke through the earth, heading straight towards the infinite void. Heaven and earth were no more, top and bottom, left and right, front and back. The one piece of earth was utterly shattered, and all magical powers were extinguished. Even the sun, moon, and stars were torn into a massive vortex, never to shine again, as if there was one god above all.

Liu Jinglong said calmly, “This is one sword breaking ten thousand dharmas.”

Mi Yu stared blankly at that magnificent scene of all things in heaven and earth from birth to destruction, lost in thought.

After a moment, Mi Yu said in a deep voice, “The path is laid. I must enter seclusion.”

Back to the novel Sword Of Coming [Translation]


Chapter 536: Expand.

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 918: With your permission, I would like to borrow the majesty of a thousand mountains and ten thousand rivers (8).

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 535: (Empty – There’s nothing to rewrite besides the chapter number.)

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 917: …With your permission, I will borrow a thousand mountains and rivers. (7)

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025

Chapter 534: .

Renegade Immortal - February 19, 2025

Chapter 916: With your permission, I’ll borrow a thousand mountains and rivers (6).

Sword Of Coming [Translation] - February 19, 2025